Wow! It's been a while since I've been on here. Married now 15 years and still writing away! My job is very logical so this is where I come to be creative! Hopefully I can keep it going again. Help me and suggest stuff to write about.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
New Blog
Here's what's up:
I started a new blog. Here's the address:
I'm still working on the design of it. Take a look. I just started posting there. You will need to create a user account to make comments. But, if you just want to read it, I will understand.
That's all for now here.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Getting Ready for Craft Show
As some of you know, last year I put together a kid's coloring book that turned out to be a hit at my few shows. This year, I've got 5 (4 of them are ready). I'm printing them as we speak. I'm only printing 5 of each to see how they sell.
Plus, I've put together 5 binders of all my goodies as templates, along with a binder of completed samples.
Other stuff I'll have at the show:
Tea Bag Envelopes (good "different" gifts that can be added into greeting cards)
Recipe Cards
Chore Charts (white board)
Reading Logs
Make-A-Card Sets
Note Cards
Friend Cards
Plus, we're also going to put out our Watkins Products for demo. Hopefully, I can get a few parties dated for October and November. I'll have to put a couple of calendars together to try to date a few parties. Yep, we're also starting our biz again. We've been running it for the past 5 years, but haven't really "sold" stuff. We've just been buying the stuff ourselves to use. Not know what Watkins is? Well, if you like to bake, you would REALLY like to use these products. They've also got personal care and home care products. You can check out the products at But, please, if you are interested in ordering and would like to have me (and Rob) as your salesmen, let us know and we can set you up with a customer number.
OK. Off the soapbox now.
Everyone wish me luck at my show. Hopefully, it turns out to do well.
That's it. I've been REALLY busy today. Cassi's at Pa and Nana's. Mom had surgery on Wednesday. Don't know how she's going to handle being off work 4 weeks. But, Cassi wanted to go see them so she could help take care of Nana this weekend. I'll see what happens tomorrow when they call because she's bored.
Cassi has her school pics on Monday. She'll be so pretty!
It's 11pm. I really need to crash. I'm tired. Was up last night til 2am and was up this morning at 7am. I took a 20 minute nap this evening. I'm ready for bed.
Good night all!
Love to ya,
8^ )
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
But, on the bright side, because I DON'T get paid for holidays and sick leave, I can make up that time by working extra hours.
So, that's what I've been doing.
And, because I have the extra management to support and extra projects to handle, there's no reason why continuing working these extra hours can't continue....
Until I chat with my boss about the amount of work I am doing and that, after we have our meeting to discuss what projects I am working on, that it is possible that continuing to work longer hours is necessary.
And, then I got the push back. Some resistance against it. But, my meeting isn't until Thursday afternoon. I am tracking EVERY day this week the laundry list of things I am doing that are filling my time. Can you believe I was so busy Monday morning that I didn't GO until lunch time and then after lunch only went once?
So, I've been applying for professional jobs again. The first one is with the job I was with in the past. I emailed my former supervisor who still works there. After a few emails, she tells me to expect a call from "name here," the recruiter who is hiring for the job. She talked to the recruiter about my being a good fit for the job. Ooh. Could work there.
Or, I met with someone about a Technical Writing job with a local company. The company is located in Akron, but the option of telecommuting is there. The company just doesn't have the space. Of course, I would have to go into the office, say, once a week. But that's good. The commute is an hour one way. But, for one day a week and the potential salary, I am being considered.
OK. I talked with dad about all this. I wanted to let him know what was going on. He always says we don't tell him. So I did. And he didn't like it. Because I don't have a baby sitter in the morning. And, where is she going in the afternoon? I told her the afternoons were covered. But, if I was working in Cleveland, I wouldn't get home until 6 pm. He couldn't always take off for her. No, I never asked him to. She is at a babysitter in the afternoons. And, she can stay there until 6 pm. She has other kids she keeps just as long. As for the mornings, at this point, I have not asked one of the 2 other moms I know that run day care businesses in the area. I can ask them as, if I had to work in Cleveland, I would probably have to leave at 7 am, dropping her off to the sitter then. Then, what if Rob gets a day job. For those of you who don't know, he works nights as a nurse, but is trying to transfer, within the same company, to another facility that's during the day. This would allow him to be at home in the evenings with us. He is now missing it, and Cassi asks about him some nights when she wants to see him.
So, we'll see. And, it can't hurt to try. My goal at going back to school was to go back to being a professional-level employee again. One of these jobs would definitely do it for me.
Send all prayers this way. I NEED it.
Lots of love,
P.S. My sister, Marie, sent me an awesome book, The Host (same author as the Twilight books). I've just really gotten into this weekend. No, I'm not like VP, who can't put the book down until I'm done. There's WAAAAAY too many other things that need done. But, I am working on it. Definitely good before bed reading and "me time" that I was wanting.
Monday, September 15, 2008
How do you...
And, how do you explain that her sister is not her mommy's daughter but her daddy's daughter? Her sister is no relation to her mommy.
OK. I should ask questions like, Why is the sky blue? Or why is the ocean blue? I could probably get much easier answers to these questions.
So, she's back in school. Rob's happy. She's due in December (I knew that all along; can't pull a fast one on me). She called Rob tonight because she has a family tree she has to do. She needs Rob's parents birthdays, anniversary, and Rob's mom's parent's info and Rob's dad's parent's info. Why not just call them yourself? Or why can't you call me? She should have called them directly too. It was their information to give.
Well, just like I've said. She doesn't want to talk to me directly. She never has. That's fine with me. But, I was told to tell Rob that she's having a girl and the baby shower is November 8.
So, I would rather not have Cassi influenced by her. She slept around, got pregnant, and will have the child and probably live under welfare. Anyway, how do I explain this to Cassi when I've been putting it into Cassi's brain about studying hard for school and going to college and being whatever she wants to be. And, how I don't want her to have a cell phone or boyfriends until she's got a career (ok, not so strong). She needs to focus on the school and career first.
What a day, eh? And, I had to get her in bed but had to get her in bed a little late because I had to do this project for her (the family tree info). I needed to shower Cassi and get her to bed because the next three days she'll be up at 6:30 am. Rob's working tonight, Tuesday night, and Wednesday night. He won't be home in time for me to go to work. So, she's going to her friend, Emily's house in the mornings. And, because I'm working over, she's walking to her babysitter's house for the hour or so until I get done. I'm making up two days from my last pay period because I was sick one day and the holiday for Labor Day. I don't get paid for holidays when the plant is closed. So, I'm trying to squeeze in 12 hours extra these next two weeks, along with:
1. all the house work
2. cooking and getting food ready for Rob before he goes to work
3. helping Cassi with homework every night
4. next week Cassi starts bowling lessons
5. did I say all the housework?
6. we're going camping this weekend (and will probably be the last of the year)
7. get stuff prepped for craft show as I'm doing just one this year on October 4
Now, do you see any "personal time for Cathy" listed above? You're right. There's no time for me. I'm working on laundry right now.
Today, I:
1. worked 8 til 4
2. picked up Cassi
3. came home and watched for mom and dad (Their electricity went out so was bringing food to store it.)
4. started cooking dinner for Rob
5. emptied dishwasher and ate
6. made a pack of cigarettes for him (It's so much cheaper to make than buy. Here in OH it's $35 a week for a carton when I can buy the supplies for 2 cartons for $20!)
6. watched a movie with Cassi (some Cassi-time)
7. got dirty dishes in washer and started it
8. took Cassi over to sign her up for bowling lessons
9. came home and made phone calls for family tree project
10. showered Cassi and got her ready for bed (and put to bed)
11. signed all of Cassi's papers to go back to school tomorrow
12. washed 2 loads of laundry (one in washer and one in dryer right now)
13. made 3 packs of smokes (Yeah, I hate this habit too, but a bad one to break.)
14. writing this post and messaging Rob while he's at work
Yet to do...
15. get last load in dryer
16. make Cassi's lunch
OK. Everyone will be EXHAUSTED after reading my laundry list. No one understands how much I'm doing DAILY!
And, yes, as I write, it is now 10:35 pm. I'm so ready for bed it's unreal. I also have to be up at 6:30 am to shower and get ready for work.
Lots of love to all,
8^ )
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Just a quickie...
Anyway, I get to write a little as I'm waiting on hold for Windstream. This is the phone company in this area. We no longer have their service, but, one of our tress in the "back"/side yard decided to come down. Right into our neighbor's yard. Luckily, the fencing that it fell on was that chicken wire stuff. Pretty easy to get back together, but the phone lines are shot. Pulled the lines right out of our house. Luckily, it didn't get the chain link fence of our neighbor's neighbor's house (that's 2 over from us). That's a brand new fence. Our deductible on the home owner's insurance is $500.
There's so much going on, it's not funny. So, I sit here and wait for someone to answer the phone.
8^ )
P.S. Check back on some earlier posts, I may get to write about some of them now.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
9/4/08 More Hours; More Responsibility
It appears that I have done nothing wrong. She's very happy with the work I am doing. In fact, there's still many things she would like me to do for her that she's still learning that she's got someone to help her get the work done. So, my job is good.
She asks me if there is an issue with taking on responsibilities with being the assistant to another director. Sure, that's not a problem. I told her, the more work I do, the more of a value I give to the company and the more opportunity there is for extra hours and possibly taking the position to full-time status. She agrees 100%. But, at this point, I am assisting 2 directors (Sarah and the new guy) and 2 product managers (Brian and Josh). Both Brian and Josh, who are both very self-sufficient, are also giving me more projects.
So, I get a chance to speak with Sarah's boss. I explain to him my concerns. He agrees that he sees much in me that is giving value-add to my position. He said that the person before me who had the job wanted this position to be full-time, but he said he didn't see her utilized very well. Not sure the situation, but I told him that I am always looking for new projects to work on. That my job is not to just sit there but to learn the new stuff and what else can I do; who can I help. He's very appreciative of that. He sees the possibility of having the job go full-time. My big "spiel" about needing full-time isn't necessarily for med/dental benefits. It's for the capability to get paid for holidays/sick/vacation.
As of today, over the last 2 weeks, I had 2 days out, one day for the Labor Day holiday and one day for being sick. Yep, I got the flu already! But, Sarah, the awesome lady that she is, is allowing me to work the next 2 weeks to make up the 12 hours I missed. I'll be working every day until 4pm and a few days will be half hour lunches. Cassi's going to the babysitter. The lady that lives near the school whose son is in Cassi's grade will take her after school. She watches a number of kids and charges $2 per hour. PERFECT!
So, Sarah wants me to keep her informed if my projects become too crazy and more hours are needed. As the new guys ramps up, I see this as something that I will need to do. Plus, the senior manager that I thought I was doing just a monthly sales report for, I am also going to support. So, instead of just 3 people, I now have 5. To me, that means that I should be offered the full-time.
My daily projects are going to increase exponentially.
OK. That's it for now.
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. (9/14/08) Promise I will write about the other things too that are located in my blog as drafts.
Friday, September 05, 2008
But, all has changed since I am now a working girl!
Promise to update as soon as possible.
Everyone's still good, but HELL broke loose a few times this summer. Ask Marie (she comments on VP's blog) who is my sister. She can't even get in touch with me sometimes.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Friday, July 11, 2008
Working Girl...
Huh? A Wednesday? Well, not just any Wednesday. It was my MOM'S birthday! Even though I had no gift to give her, this was an AWESOME gift.
I start on Monday morning. My schedule? 8am - 3pm with an hour lunch. Not full-time? Nope. But that's okay. When school starts for Cassi, I'll be able to get her after school and be able to help her with her homework still.
I'm getting what I asked for on my application. I didn't want to over power them with a suggested salary that was way out of line for the position. Of course I am worth every penny to ask $25 an hour an up for working, but since this IS an administrative position AND this IS only 3 miles from my house, what I asked for was enough (OK, it's NEVER enough. But, I'll take it.). Plus, I'm doing freelance work too that is paying quite well. Actually, I didn't really have to take this job at all, but my freelance work won't keep me busy all day. This will and will be extra money to pay off bills, especially since I'll be getting that WONDERFUL student loan bill for my Christmas present this year.
But, this morning, I had to go to a medical site to "pee in a cup" and have a physical. The physical part was easy. I've never had to have a physical before. I've only ever had to "pee in a cup" when I worked for the post office (LOOOOOONG time ago as a temporary). So, I got up this morning, went over to my new office, and got the papers. Then, I went to the medical site. By the time I got there, I had to pee. So. I did. Not enough. Rob's outside laughing is butt off because he said I was having "pee fright" (pain in the #####*****). So, while I was waiting for the physical part because it was really busy, I drank: 8 8-oz cups of water (hmm, got my quota for today), some Mt. Dew (because I just couldn't drink any more water), and a cup of hot tea. Let me just say by the time I drank all that and had my physical, I REALLY had to pee. In fact, I FILLED the cup. Yeah! But, I also had to pee 3 more times after. Shew! And my tummy was sore because I hadn't eaten yet.
The doctor cleared me. I showed him my hearing aids. He liked them and couldn't believe how small they are.
Cassi called me Wednesday night while I was out scrapping for extra cash. Didn't hear the phone and got the message from her. "Congratulations on the new job, mom!" Cassi's not home this week. Because it's my mom's birthday, she always takes the whole week off work. And dad did too. So, Cassi has been there. But, after I called her back, she was worried about who would watch her. I told her for most of the time, she would be with daddy. That response made her worried because daddy doesn't let her play with her friends. Mommy lets her do more things than daddy does. I assured her that she would be able to play with her friends and she would have someone good to watch her. Dan already said on the days that he's off (Tuesday-Thursday) when Rob works during the week, she can go there so she can play with Alexis. I offered to pay him but he said no. That's so nice of him. The only days I would need to pay would be when Cassi has to go to someone else's house on Mondays and Fridays. As soon as I explained it to her, she was happy. But, Rob also told me he was looking at taking her to a pool that has lots of water slides near here next week. Good for him!
Oh, I mentioned the scrapping. For a while now, we've noticed guys in beat up trucks riding around our city with scrap metal in the backs of their trucks. If you haven't heard, metal recycling prices have increased dramatically recently since the value of the dollar is down. In my area alone, aluminum (like cans) is 70 cents a pound. Rob and Dan go out when Rob's not working in the evenings and finds scrap from the garbage lines. No, this is not illegal in this area. They've been finding quite a nice amount of scrap for extra cash. This has really come in handy. But, we've also gotten stuff that we've kept too. Rob's gotten a gas-powered weed whacker. I've gotten a new resin table (looks in excellent shape), a pair of solid brass lamps for the living room (just need new shades), a cook book, resin chairs, and a pair of white boards for Cassi to draw on. From the money I made with Dan on Wednesday night, we used the money last night. Wonder where?
Last night, we had tickets to see the Indians. It has been since before Cassi was born that we've been to see them play. Was a good night, but the seats were in no man's land, the upper deck. We took some of the money and bought Cassi an Indian's t-shirt (in pink) and a red cushion finger. Then, at the game, daddy went and bought her two baseballs. We brought along her baseball mitt (played t-ball before). She was so mad because she wanted to catch one that went foul. We were in a bad spot to get one. But, she was happy after daddy bought them for her though. She went up and down at least four times. The usher laughed every time one of us went up and down with her. She said she wants to go again, but she wants to be closer to the field. Hmm. We figured she wouldn't enjoy it. But, she did. I think come next summer she'll want to play baseball again. We'll see.
OK. Had lots to say. There's lots more, but they'll wait for now. I've got photos to share from other events over the last two months, but really haven't had time to talk about them.
Lots of love to all,
8^ )
Friday, July 04, 2008
Time to Talk About Others...
I just peeked on my step-daughter's my space site...
1. allowed her to quit school (just turned 17)
2. allowed boyfriend to move in with them (committed statutory rape because supposedly he's 19 and she's minor)
3. allowed her to have sex with him and allowed her to get pregnant!
Guess what? I DON'T want to be a grandmother. Don't care what anyone says. I will become a grandmother, if and WHEN Cassi grows up and becomes an ADULT. Once she's married and stable in her relationship will I become a grandmother.
I just sent a text message to Rob. Wonder what he will say???!!!
At this point, I will not call her names. Everyone can imagine what I am thinking of her right now. Just won't say it out loud! Not impressed with the immature so-and-so!
8^ (
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Things I did today...
- folded 2 loads of laundry (washed them yesterday)
- cleaned bathroom (toilet, sink, floor, and tub)
- took shower curtain to washer and washed it, then put it back
- took floor mat for bathroom down and washed (still sitting on washer air drying)
- dust mopped and vacuumed kitchen
- washed a load of dishes (emptied and filled dishwasher)
- went to Save-A-Lot (low-priced grocery store) for a few things, mainly normal sized corn dogs)
- cooked lunch of hot dogs on grill (ok Rob did that) along with making a pasta salad on stove and heated chili to go with dogs (I did that part)
- emptied dishwasher and refilled it this evening and ran it again this evening
- took out garbage
- watched girls (Cassi & Alexis) while Dan & Rob went scrapping
- made 5 packs of smokes for Rob (While I don't condone his smoking, I can't just up and tell him to quit. Plus, while I still don't condone it, I also am not thrilled to spend $35 a carton on cheap cigarettes. I would rather sit and make them for him at $20 for 2 cartons.)
- got accepted to do editing for a Russian-based dating site; will get first project tonight or tomorrow morning
- waiting on first transaction to process for LA-based global import/export biz; looking to make cash from them too (been in biz for 12 years and services 400K of customers)
- made a batch of granola for me (refer to earlier post)
- made din din for girls
- made a double-batch of zucchini casserole for my din din (Rob will eat leftovers when he comes home)
- in process of having dehydrated banana chips done (had 5 bananas over ripe that needed to have something done to them)
- got girls to sleep; instead of them going to dad's for sleepover, they're here and asleep on the couches
I think #13 and #14 helped motivate me. 13 is a monthly payment job, but I can handle that. 14 is paid per transaction at 8% commission. They've really been moving on that site, especially when they service so many clients.
But, right now, I'm on a good streak (wanted to say steak, but wrong thought). The veggies are looking quite nice in the garden. We've got tomatoes starting to bud, along with zucchinis and green peppers. The watermelon is coming back. We thought it was dead, but all of a sudden it's coming back. We've also got red peppers, cucumbers, pickle cucumbers, a pumpkin, cantaloupe (good thing about spell check because I wouldn't have gotten that word right in a million years), green beans, and salsa peppers. The green bean pods didn't grow as well as we had hoped, but that's life. The cucumber plants are traveling, as well as the pumpkin. Will be nice to see a pumpkin or two come fall.
With that, gonna go for now. Need to stay awake just a little while longer. Looking at recipes now on food network. Just picked up one for home-made pancakes. Maybe I'll look at making it tomorrow.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Granola Recipe Share...
So, here's the recipe. Then, some notes about changes I've made (or are making as I type).
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup slivered almonds
1 cup cashews
3/4 cup shredded sweet coconut
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup raisins
Preheat oven to 250 degrees F.
- In a large bowl, combine the oats, nuts, coconut, and brown sugar.
- In a separate bowl, combine maple syrup, oil, and salt. Combine both
- mixtures and pour onto 2 sheet pans. Cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes,
- stirring every 15 minutes to achieve an even color.
- Remove from oven and transfer into a large bowl. Add raisins and mix until
- evenly distributed.
I also think other dried fruits would work nicely in this. I eat it not as a cereal, but as a snack in a cup.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Week of Doctors...
Then, I finally went to the OB yesterday. It's been 3 years since my last pap, which is OK, but should go every year (not daily) for pelvic exam. Have been having problems lately. Don't really want to go into it, but the short-short version is that I'm bleeding other than my period times.
So, he does the exam. My uterus feels enlarged. Not sure what's going on. Could be from my full c-section when I had Cassi; maybe not. Then, he felt my neck next (how goofy, originally said, "he felt my next" huh?). This is the first time a doctor has looked there and said he thought my thyroid felt enlarged. So, I have to go get blood work done. Then, I have to have a cat scan done of my uterus to check for cysts or other things that might be going on. When they do this, they will inject fluid up there to open it up for a clearer result. Then, he also wants to do a biopsy because mom had a full hysterectomy when she was 36. Well, I just turned 37. Could run in the family.
The tough part right now is, the doctor was called away to an emergency surgery and my appointment was late. Because of this, I couldn't get anything scheduled, because, of course, my appointment was on Friday at 4pm. I didn't get to see him until after 5. So, now I have to wait until Monday to even make any appointments. He's looking at everything, even the possibility of uterine cancer.
So, until any tests get to be scheduled and done, I'm stuck. I don't know what to say or do. Yes, Marie, I'm trying to be positive. It's tough!
The only positive thing that happened this week was I had my interview for a part-time Administrative Assistant position at Ridge Tool. They are the people who make RIGID tools that are sold at Home Depot. The position is 30 hours a week, supporting the Marketing Department. They were really impressed with my background and desire to work there. I interviewed with the three individuals I would support, and even saw what they are in need of me to do and how to do it. They are big on using PowerPoint and Excel because they have to give sales figures and presentations. By the time I came home in the afternoon after going to get gas for Rob and some steak for dinner, I was walking into the house to the main house phone ringing from them saying they were going forward with the background investigation. This means they're serious because it costs money to do these things. I emailed the people who I used for references, my intern boss, former boss and client at E&Y and my Tech Writing professor. They all said they had no problem giving a positive reference for me. Yesterday, got an email from Professor Mary who said they called her and left a message. She called them back, leaving a message for them about my character and even gave the girl her home phone number. What a nice thing to do! If I get offered the job, I think I would start July 7, just one week away.
Not sure what the pay is yet. But, 30 hours a week is great, working from 8-3 with an hour for lunch. And, there are opportunities for extra hours. And, the offices are only 3 miles from my house. That's even better. When Cassi starts school, I'll have to get someone to keep her in the am before school starts but would be able to pick her up after.
OK. Gonna go now. Don't want to depress anyone too much more than I have.
Lots of love,
8^ )
So, it would just be my luck to have medical problems happen and be offered a job.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
VERY Frustrating!
The problem I face: browser problems. When companies develop Web sites, they don't realize what browsers individuals use. I know the standard browser is Internet Explorer. But, some people enjoy using other browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox.
Even I have this difficulty with my own Web sites. Note to self, install Dreamweaver and update all Web sites for viewing within Firefox.
But, I digress.
I try to use the Taleo HR hiring system that many companies are now using to apply to jobs online. You cannot apply to jobs through Firefox. At least, I cannot do so. So, every time I apply to a job, I have to remember to determine where I'm applying to and use the correct browser.
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. This evening, I applied to:
Adecco Technology as a Entry Level Scientific/Technical Writer (temp-to-hire)
Bendix Manufacturing as an Administrative Assistant (full time)
Toys R' Us as a Department Manager Trainee (gotta at least try)
My Birthday...
We spent the day together. Rob worked the night before and Cassi spent the night over Sarah's house. So, I was pretty much by myself until 2:30 pm. Cassi and Sarah kept running in and out of the house. I had to keep shewing them out.
So, what did I do while I was by myself? I applied for jobs. I applied for Bank Teller positions at National City Bank and Charter One. Some of the other banks don't have openings. I need to apply at US Bank (where our main mortgage resides). Who knows? I agree with my career coordinator. I need to just GET IN to a company and move from there. She called me and said again that she thinks I need to dumb myself down for prospective employers, that they are intimidated by me and my skills. I'm sorry; I just find it so hard to do that. Maybe the idea of "Less is More" is better.
One of our camping friends specifically said to me that even though she knows I have higher education than she does, I don't make her feel inferior with my education. She says I use my education when I speak, but not overbearing. It's nice to hear comments like that.
But, after Rob got up, we goofed off a little before we decided to go to dinner. When the school had the spring picnic, PTO offered up $100 worth of restaurant gift cards. I won one of them. I was able to get a $25 gift card from Olive Garden. Then, because we bank with National City Bank, they have an opportunity to earn points for gift cards. I was able to get 2 $10 gift cards for Olive Garden. We used them for dinner Thursday night. Cassi loves Olive Garden.
We got there. As usual, almost immediately, she had to potty (does that everywhere we go). So, while we were gone, unknown to me, Rob decides with the server to order a special cake. In the end, we ended up paying $15 extra with the tip. It was nice though.
Then, we went to Best Buy to walk around and look at stuff. Didn't realize that my favorite PS games come as PC versions too. That game? Star Wars Legos. The most hilarious game. Will have to try to find it on PC somewhere and save up to get it.
We noticed some sale priced Game Boy Advanced and Nintendo DS games. I was considering getting a $15 game for Cassi from my birthday money. Since we really haven't had money to get games and things for her, I thought it would be nice. There really isn't anything I'm in need of right now. I told her to put the game down for the time being, and I would think about it. She threw a fit and said she NEVER gets anything at the store. OK. That was enough for me. I wasn't listening to that from her. She gets SOOOOO much from Pa, Nana, and Aunt Marie. We have been giving her the necessities. Sorry that I can't buy EVERY item she wants! So, I told her if she felt that way she wasn't getting that game either. It was a Polly Pocket game.
After we went to Best Buy, we went to Sam's and got a floor protector for the carpet in our bedroom office. We went to Home Depot because we needed to buy a new shower head for the bathroom. The old one was ready to die. Home Depot was very disappointing as we couldn't find JUST the shower head. We ended up at Lowe's and found a cool one that actually has 2 heads. It has a hand-held shower head and stationery one. The hand-held one will work well when I'm ready to bathe the cat and can be used when I shower Cassi (versus her doing it herself).
Got home and got the shower head in. Rob and I also watched the Denzel Washington movie, The Great Debaters. It was a really good movie. And, be shocked! Even though it is a relatively new movie to DVD, I found it...
THE LIBRARY! Yep, sure did! I've also got The Waterhorse to watch too.
OK. Gonna go for now. I'm working on designing a new template for this blog. REALLY need something new. Maybe change will be good for me.
Lots of love,
8^ )
But, from there, I had to decide which way to drive home. I opted for the local roads, even though I knew one of the roads is under MAJOR construction to rebuild it. That was road in particular that we blew a tire on in February from a bad pot hole, but the city refused to be liable for.
Anyway, I decided to stop at a Goodwill along the way. Cassi needs some summer jammies. Oh, she's got a few night shirts, and I just gave her a night gown from Nana that doesn't fit me, even though Nana gave it to me, I wanted to find a few more. Got there and NOTHING. So, while I was there, I decided to walk around to see what they had for sale. Along the back wall, there's all kinds of computer monitors. There's a nice dresser, desk, and headboard that looked very interesting to buy for Cassi to have a bedroom set, but I wasn't paying $45 each, even though they were probably worth 3 times as much. But, along that wall with the monitors, sits this HP Scanner. It's an HP Scanjet 8290, complete with power supply, software, and USB cable. The price on it:
Yes, that's it, FIVE DOLLARS! But, there's a warning, the scanner can't be returned. This is one item that's an ALL SALES FINAL type of item. Why not? This is the scanner I had been using while I worked on my internship. It has an Auto Document Feeder (that's the contraption on top of the scanner that allows you to feed multiple pages into the scanner and create PDF files. Rob's co-worker gave him a set of books from when she went through RN school. It was a self-paced school that allowed her to learn at her own pace and didn't cut into her job because there was no lab or clinical like a traditional school requires. The clinical testing happens at the end before you complete your degree. I was able to scan all but 1 book. I'm now able to get it done now.
But, this scanner, even though it's no longer directly for sale from HP can run brand new between $700 and $900. This scanner is in almost new condition. I had to update the software that came from the included CD because it initially had trouble with the doc feed capabilities.
But, for my lonely $5 plus 31 cents for sales tax, I got a BRAND NEW scanner. This is the type of scanner I've been looking for. AND, even though I have to watch EVERY PENNY I spend, I believe I did well finding this scanner.
AND, I'm still looking for jammies for Cassi. She's got 3 t-shirts from me that work for her, 1 night gown she had and 2 night gowns from Nana (doesn't know about the second one yet).
OK. Gotta go.
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. Oh, where was I over the last few weeks? We went camping as Rob took off work. He was finally able to take a week vacation. I've got posts to write about it and pictures.
And, for those of you who didn't know (because I wasn't flagrant about it), my birthday was this past Thursday, June 19. I turned 37. It was just another day for me.
Grad Pics...
NOPE! My test scores were not good enough to go forward. Huh? But, they declined to tell me what my scores were.
I'm waiting on going to an interview next Wednesday. It's for a part-time Administrative Assistant position (30 hours). The person supports the Marketing Department. The company is called Ridge Tool. Probably wondering? Huh? Who are they? They are a local manufacturing company take makes RIGID tools. You might have seen the tool brand if you've ever been in Home Depot. I believe they sell these tools. Sounds like an interesting job and good time to work. I applied Wednesday night and had an email response Thursday and a phone interview on Friday. It would give me an opportunity to learn how a marketing department works and see the types of advertising/marketing materials they create. Oh, wonder on those hours? Monday through Friday from 8am til 3pm (that's an hour for lunch). I've got to remember to listen, only answer what they ask for, and be calm. Would love to start a job like this quickly. They seemed interested in my skill set as I'm not in need of technology training like others might.
But, below are a few photos. The first is the coveted Bachelor's Degree. Got it a few weeks ago. Below it is the entrance ticket needed to enter the ceremony. And, WONDERFUL MARIE! She purchased the photos that were taken professionally of me during the ceremony. I can't believe what they charge for photos! For a single 8x10, without ANY touch-ups or lamination, cost $16.95 each. I REALLY need to find a way to get into the photography business. I've got the digital camera and and ability to do it, even part-time. Just blabbing!





With all this, I'll close for now. I've got more to write about. Cool stuff! Like the fact that I found a $900 scanner today at Goodwill for $5.31 (with tax). And, the good news...
Lots of love,
8^ )
Friday, June 06, 2008
This is WHY English is SOOOO Important...
was the word they saw on the diplomas. AND, this was after the first error that was sent back to the printer of the diplomas.
And I can't get a job! Believe me, if I was working there, this wouldn't have HAPPENED!
Lots of love,
8^ )
Economy SUCKS!
Plus, was emailing my intern supervisor, Tina, telling her how I have yet to find a job. This is what she said to me,
"I saw a report on the BBC this morning that the US is now reporting the jobless rate at 5.5% - - which can only mean it is more like 7%."
This is very sad indeed.
But, as Marie suggested, I should sign up to the temp services. When I worked for Tri-C, a local community college, that is how I originally got the job. I was signed up at the time with OfficeTeam. I am re-registered with them. They've got nothing. I've not registered with Kelly Services (they helped me get my first job here with E&Y). But, I've searched their openings online. NOTHING. I'm registered with Ajilon. NOTHING!
It's BAD! So, my next step is doing babysitting jobs, etc. I'm registered on for employment opportunities. We'll see what happens there. And, I applied for a summer internship (paid) with the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram. It's for a news writer position. We'll see.
I can't believe how BAD it is. My problem now is that I can't even get a job at any retail establishment because they want people who can work nights. Like, take for example, Wal-Mart. You must be available to work EVERY NIGHT from 5pm till 11pm. If you can't, they won't even consider you. I did pass the management opportunities exam. We'll see what happens there, if and when they decide to hire more managers/assistant managers.
I'm just REALLY tired. I could try running the business that I've longed to run. But, my credit SUCKS! That means, no one will want to invest in my idea to help me get it going. I don't want to ask friends and family, just in case it doesn't work out. I want to run a Wedding and Creative Services biz, designing custom wedding invitations, party favors, and all the goodies I made and sold at craft shows last year. I've got the technology and the designs running. What I'm in need of capital now is for: 1. more ink supplies for printers, 2. advertising in newspapers of my biz, and 3. payments for craft shows and wedding shows where I can advertise my services and sell my kid-friendly products. If you know of any rich relatives in need of someone to donate money to, I'm here and waiting. I know I don't need much to get me going. And, I think, once I'm going I would be able to keep the flow.
OK. Yep, I'm REALLY tired. Cassi finished school yesterday for the year. YEAH! Her new friend from around the corner came over and played in the pool with Cassi. Her mom's not working right now either. I went over and gossiped with them, then had Sarah spend the night. She was here until 2pm today, up before 8 and out in the pool by 8. Pa came to get Cassi. They ended up hanging around until 4pm. Rob's been at his house. He started his 3 days of work, where he sleeps during the day at their house. You see, from home to work, it's about a 30-40 minute drive. Mom is even closer, more than half way closer. He's about 10 minutes from work then. He sleeps there in between because of the gas prices. He's been driving our Focus. When I went to school, I was able to get almost 300 per tank of gas. With staying at mom's, he can go 2 weeks on one tank of gas. So, he's working these 3 days (Thurs-Fri-Sat), then coming home. He started this week with a half tank of gas. Next week, he's on vacation and we're going camping. Need to be hillbilly as he says. Then, we'll come home Tuesday when I can wash laundry and clean kitty's litterpan. He has a mason's meeting. Thursday, we'll come home in the am when Marie will meet us here. This will be the first time Cassi gets to visit with Marie at Marie's house all by herself. Then, mom, dad, and I will travel to Marie's on Sunday to pick her up, leaving from my house by 7am.
Shew, I'm tired just thinking about it.
Ok. Gotta go. Need to go pick up teacher's lounge supplies from Cassi's school. Not supplying summer school with these extra supplies. Because there's extra stuff, I'll be able to not have to buy some things come August.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Moderating Comments...
It seemed they only wanted to comment based on wanting to advertise their Web site businesses. And, since I'm no longer in school and don't FREELY advertise anyone unless I choose to, these businesses get the 'ol heave-ho!
Plus, one of the comments was from a blogger who didn't even want the profile viewed. That's another NO for me.
Don't try to advertise your biz here for free because IT WON'T HAPPEN!
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. They tried to post on a story I wrote in 2007! Can you believe it?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
CONGRATULATIONS! You've graduated!
Yep, even though I already went through the ceremony. Yep, even though I was told I graduated.
I decided to look at my transcript Monday night to see where the results were. I knew it would take about a month after graduation to get the OFFICIAL diploma in the mail. And, low and behold, there's this LITTLE "i" sitting next to where the credits for my Magazine class were and 0.0 credits allowed.
What's this all about? I was told back in October that the class would be okay. I emailed the lady who helped me fix my foreign language credits and my English advisor. My English advisor said that because the class was an ENG 301 and was a different topic (this class has three topics), it was cleared to take.
Well, the system doesn't agree with that. It's the same class number. So, I had to go through the rigamarole over getting the class approved for graduation. I had enough credits overall to graduate, but not enough English requirements.
But, after emails and some worry, everything worked out fine. On my unofficial transcript, it actually shows the "Bachelor's Degree" awarded as of 5/9/2008.
So, after a little worry, everything worked out OK. I'll be getting my diploma mailed in about a week.
...Now, where's my job? I know there's so much to do at home. I'm going stir crazy. I need ADULTS again!
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. Didn't tell Rob because I knew how PO'd he would have been. Wanted to make sure everything was fixed as I thought it would be before telling him any news. Shhhhhhhh!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Obsessed with the Job Search...
Yesterday ended up being a good day. For the afternoon moms helping at the book fair, I happened to meet the HR Director for a local manufacturing company. She asked me to mail her my resume which I did. I told her how I had just graduated with my BA and Professional Writing Certificate and was looking for Technical Writing jobs for which they do hire. But, I also told her I had many years experience in Administrative roles. She said she knew of some part-time stuff coming up and would forward my resume to her recruiters.
Last night, I looked at the Web site and found a full-time Administrative Assistant position in the Supply Chain department. She replied to my email and told me that she forwarded my resume to her recruiters. I replied to her about the opening I found. Even if I was making $30K to start, the job is 5-10 minutes away. And, as she said, this would be my "foot in the door" when a Technical Writing or other writing-type job comes open.
So, we'll see what happens this week.
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. Was alone last night. Cassi spent the night at her friend's house. I took them roller skating today. She rented in-line skates because her regular skates are now too small. She was even skating backwards. She likes ice skating and said the in-line skates are just like the ice versions.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Updates on Jobs...
I didn't get the job at Oberlin College. They gave the opportunity to an internal candidate.
Can you believe it? Now, how many times do you know when an external candidate beats an internal candidate? Ummm, NEVER!
That was crazy to waste the candidates time when the real person being chosen was internal.
I'm waiting on updates from recruiters regarding some jobs I've applied for. I was just SO SURE I would be working by now. Am I scaring people away from being more interested in me because I'm so knowledgeable about stuff and now have the education to back-up what I've done before?
This is CRAZY! There, I'll say it again. I can't believe it.
OK. That's it for tonight. Gotta get to bed. I'm working at Cassi's book fair again tomorrow. There's some kids books that sound too funny, but don't really have the extra money to buy them now. They are books that not only Cassi would enjoy, but I would enjoy them too. There are two books that remind me of the way VP writes (even though these books are geared toward younger readers).
Lots of love, (and pray for me)
8^ )
Friday, May 16, 2008
According to the law, EVERYTHING I write is my own copyright protected work for:
75 years after my death when the work is unpublished
95 years from the date it was published
As this blog is considered "PUBLISHED WORK," expect that this copyright remains in effect until 2113. AND, I do not have to register my work with the Copyright Office in Washington DC to have this in effect.
My sister's best friend first presented this idea of blog information being stolen. I am doing my part to be responsible for anyone wishing to take my ideas.
Uh-huh! Not here!
Thanks, Vegas Princess!
Lots of love,
8^ )
Update on Grades/Graduation...
Imaging Africa (film) COM 428 - A-
Professional Internship ENG 490 - A
Magazine and Feature Writing ENG 301 - A
Senior Survey ENG 495 - B-
There's my grades. Also, at the same time, I was helping Rob get through his 2 classes. He's working on going back to school to get his RN license. He really doesn't want to go back to school right now, but can't afford not to.
English Composition 2 - B
Introduction to Sociology - B
So, in reality, it was like I was taking 6 (yes, six) classes. Then, I was helping Cassi make sure her homework was done every night. When the onslaught of HIGHER gas prices happened, Cassi ended up either staying with daddy (he had to get up early to get her on days he worked and met me to swap her when I got done school) or she went with me to my magazine class. Either way, she was getting homework done every day. And, luckily, my magazine professor enjoyed having her in class. As always, she behaved herself and did her homework.
But, I was also running PTO. This semester wasn't that stressful. We pretty much paid bills, bought supplies for school. Next week, we're helping with the book fair. There wasn't any major fundraisers this spring from us. So, we've been pretty low key.
And, with Rob doing the working and earning the money for us, I was also making sure the house stayed as clean as possible. This was a VERY difficult task.
Now, I'm bored. I'm done school and looking for a job. I can't believe all of the companies I've applied to. From all of them, I've been told NO on 2:
1. Technical Writer for National City Bank
2. Technology Instructor for New Horizons Learning Center
3. Editor for Cancer Center at Cleveland Clinic (just found out at 5 pm today)
The jobs I've applied to:
1. Contract position for Documentation Specialist/Technical Writer with Progressive Insurance (interviewing in 30 minutes) Update: 5/23/08 They went with another candidate they interviewed.
2. Contract position for Training Administrator with Intuit (no response yet for interview) Update: 5/23/08 They closed the opportunity for now.
3. Contract position for Documentation Specialist with National City Bank (another position with NCB and no response yet)
4. Permanent position for Technology Training Applications Specialist with Nordson Corporation (no response yet)
5. Permanent position for Academic Technology Support Specialist with Cleveland State University (no response yet)
5. Permanent position for Administrative Assistant to the Archivist with Oberlin College (interviewed but no decision yet and position starts June 2) Update: 5/23/08 Chose an internal candidate.
6. Permanent position for Multimedia Writer/Technical Writer with Applied Industrial Technologies (no response yet, opening through CSU's Career Services and position posting available until next week)
So, it seems like I've been applying for A LOT of different jobs, but no "Yes we want to hire you" bites yet. And, yes, Marie, if Oberlin calls offering me the job, I'll take it. It would give me the opportunity to continue writing feature stories for magazines.
And, I'm so tired today. A personal issue came up last night when I looked at our cell phone bill. Don't really want to talk about it here. Not sure what to do about it though. It has just made me very sad.
OK. I'm going to go now. The countdown is on to this phone interview. T-minus 20 minutes.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Graduation Gift Ideas...
Classes are all done: CHECK!
Exams are all done: CHECK!
Grades all posted: Senior Survey yet to be posted, Film class A-, Magazine class A, Internship A
Graduation: Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 2pm
Graduating with honors and displaying my Latino heritage! CHECK!!!!!
Suggestions for gift ideas: (Yep, my suggestions are pretty lame, but good none the less!)
Chicago Manual of Style (Whatever the most recent version is, this is THE style book for the corporate world.)
AP Stylebook of Grammar (This is the accompanying book for the AP, Associated Press, Stylebook that is used by all media formats.)
MLA Style Manual (There are so many versions of this book, written by so many different people. I think the best version would come from the source at
2- or 3-shelf book shelf to put all these books in. Besides, most of my college books did not make it back to the college or sold to others as all books I used in classes will be reference materials going forward.
That's it! I'm EASY to please.
Wish me luck that I don't bawl and blabber like an idiot tomorrow.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Grades so far...
Internship: A (ENG 490)
Magazine: A (ENG 301)
Film: A- (COM 428)
My only worry is my Senior Survey (ENG 495). I turned in my paper today. YEAH! Now, all I've got left is my final next Thursday.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Last Week of Classes...
But, a few things are happening this week:
1. Yesterday, I presented in film class on my "small" paper on diamond mining in South Africa. Even though I didn't have ACTUAL diamonds to show in my presentation, I stopped at my grandfather's and borrowed his Herkimer Diamonds (not really diamonds, but in some cases better in clarity than real diamonds). The presentation went well. Informal. I know my classmates enjoyed looking at the diamonds and the photos I brought. I think grandpa mined these stones in the 70's based on the photos.
2. I finished my magazine articles. The articles are 19 pages long, 2 pages for my resume, 2 pages for my query letter, a table of contents, and cover page. The magazine class could definitely be a senior survey for those people getting their English degree but not wanting to focus on literary analysis. I'll print it when I go home today and turn it in. No final exam here (the articles are it).
3. My internship was done last week. I really enjoyed it and got a nice review from my boss.
4. My film class. Tomorrow, we'll get everything back that we turned in over the semester that will come back to us, diamond paper and journal. I believe I'll get a B in the class because he was really brutal when it came to our group paper. I got an 85 on it - paper and presentation. He didn't like my part of the presentation and said so. But, he liked my reflection paper; so much so that he gave me a 12 out of 10 because I was so detailed in what happened.
5. Finally, my Senior Survey. My final paper is due on Thursday. I just want to be done. I've got to add hard facts (quotes) from the books in my paper. It wasn't enough to research and write my opinions about the books and what scholars had to say, but I also have to pull specific quotes from the books. I just need a C in this class to graduate. Yeah, it will affect my cumulative GPA, but I just want to be done!
OK. That's it for now. I'm still waiting on a decision on a technical writing contract job that I REALLY want.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
All the CRAP this week...
1. Today, I got to sit in on a grant review. Very interesting; very caddy women. I can't believe how many groups were turned down because they didn't "SPECIFY" what diverse groups they intended to communicate their project to. The one reviewer, African-American, completely turned down a Hungarian group's request for funding because they didn't signify they would advertise to AFRICAN-AMERICANS.
But, today is my last day at my internship. We got the last newsletter out Monday. This was a nice way to end my time. Positive thing? I get to put this down on my resume and employment applications as a "job."
Tina came over to the review, which happened to be next door to my internship location, and gave me a gift. It is a candle and an angel-ornament thing. I'll post pics soon. The candle, which I will never burn says on the back:
You are a Star
Isn't it amazing how a blanket of
stars can light up a night sky?
Side-by-side they twinkle together
to create a beautiful work of art.
When we shine together we light
up the world to make an
unforgettable difference
Thank you for shining with
2. On Monday, I sent an email to my internship adviser, asking if he needed anything from me about my time during my internship. After all, I am getting a grade for this, which just happens to be an A. Tina replied to my email and communicating to my adviser what her thoughts were on my performance here at the office. Here's what she said:
Michael and Cathy: Whether English Department needs my two cents or no, I am sending them here:
I believe that Cathy's internship has given great value to our office. During the entire time she was here with us, Research News moved forward, with little or no supervision, each month - from inception to publication. Her quick grasp of the simple publishing style and her equally quick understanding of research issues, needs, and areas of focus here at CSU were invaluable in finding sources, and creating notification for our faculty and students. In addition to being able to complete an assignment on time and in specification, Cathy is a person who brings to the endeavor a fresh perspective, and a willing hand: she has located for us sources for grant funding we had not tapped before, she grasped very quickly the importance of the student funding section of Research News and aggressively found sources for us to add to that section.
Besides accomplishing tasks assigned to her, and bringing other nuances and information to the venture, Cathy diligently fulfilled our contract - that is, we agreed upon a certain number of hours and a certain number of weeks for the fulfillment of this internship. Cathy met and matched that obligation - she made certain that if her hours had to alter for class or personal reasons, those hours were fulfilled on an alternative day in the week or in the following week. That kind of diligence and dedication is appreciated by those who depend upon the services provided by an intern, a student, or an employee.
Finally, I found in working with her that Cathy is a caring, thorough, and intelligent person. She has added value to our office during her tenure here. The Pre-Awards section of OSPR is very grateful for her time, efforts, and talents.
Pretty impressive, eh? I thought so. It's too bad companies overall couldn't be more flexible and willing to take chance on people like me who can offer 200% focus on any effort needed.
But, even with all this, my lingering issue is, that I have disappointed a few people this week, like my Senior Survey professor. I wanted to write a KICK-ASS paper. True, I need just a C from this class to graduate, but I want much more. AND, why should I try for less when I know I can do more. In essence, this is what she said: 1. you have no thesis, 2. you didn't read the books you are writing about, and 3. your quotes don't match what needs to be written. I feel like I wrote 12 pages of NOTHING. And, she said this, with the intent of it coming directly to me, "Just because you got a B- on your rough draft doesn't mean you'll get the same grade if you don't make the changes I suggest." My hope for salvation: re-read any areas of the books used in my papers and add the necessary book quotes to support what I'm saying in my paper. Books to read: The Canterbury Tales and The Book of Margery Kempe. Time to turn in: May 1.
My other classes: I know I'll be getting an A in my Magazine class. My film class? Not sure, but either an A or B.
It didn't help that my child decided on Tuesday morning to get up at 3:15 am and stay up because she had a nightmare, but didn't want to wake me. She woke me more than she knew.
With that, I'm closing for now. I've got to do a peer review for a classmate for her Senior Survey paper. It's due back to her tomorrow.
Lots of love,
8^ (
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Seven Deadly Sins
The blog?
Funny animal pictures with captions added to them.
Here is the seventh deadly sin:

And then, this one was HILARIOUS:

OK. That's it for today. Taking Cassi to visit Pa then we're doing stuff. Since I neglected her the past two weeks to get papers and presentations done, this is her weekend (with homework thrown in of course).
Lots of love,
8^ )
Friday, April 18, 2008
Recipe Share - Top Secret Recipe...
MMMMMM! My favorite. Every year they came out when I was growing up, if I didn't get AT LEAST one, I was depressed for the rest of the year.
This year, I think I had three or four.
But, now I can have one ANYTIME I want (especially when I am in one of those funks like tonight). Nope, don't want to talk about it! Just what I saw made me very sad.
Anyway, here's the recipe:
Shamrock Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/4 cup half and half
1/4 teaspoon Mint extract (not peppermint)
8 drops green food coloring
1. Combine half of the ingredients for the shake flavor in the silver cup that comes in the DRINKMASTER (recipe suggests using the Hamilton Beach Drinkmaster, but I say whatever you got for mixing drinks will work), and mix on high speed until smooth. Pour into a cup. Repeat for shake #2. Or use a blender and mix all ingredients on high speed until smooth. Stop blender, stir and blend again, if necessary to combine ingredients.
Makes 2 12-ounce cups
Lots of love to all,
8^ )
Monday, April 14, 2008
An Update...
Last night, I didn't get the last piece of the film paper for today. I finished putting the paper together, getting the cover, table of contents, and the works cited for all four pieces put together, along with creating an intro and conclusion for the paper as a whole. Then, this morning, I printed the document 4 times, one copy for each of my group mates and one master copy to turn in. For the master copy, I used my binding supplies and comb-binded the master. Then, I worked on the presentation as Rodney submitted to me the information needed for his part of the presentation and Annette's part. I created the template and put the presentation together too. I also printed a hard copy of the slides to give to the professor with the report.
Then, I worked on continuing to write my Senior Survey paper. I had 6 pages of 12 ready for tomorrow (last night). I sent it to my classmate, Amanda who has been wonderful at helping me with my topic and suggestions for sources. She replied that she had read it and realized she learned something from my paper. My topic? How does the family survive when a woman goes on pilgrimage? Remember, this semester's Senior Survey dealt with Medieval Pilgrimage (The Canterbury Tales, The Book of Margery Kempe, etc).
Then, (enough then's?) I got ready for my presentation. We had to be dressed professionally for class. I showered and dressed in red dress pants, black blouse and black suit jacket. When I got there, I wanted to get our presentation up on the computer, not knowing what technology difficulties we would have. And, indeed we did have problems. We were going first. The second group decided they wanted their stuff up before ours. Well, that just didn't work. For one, we were presenting items that would be found on the Internet. I had the hyperlinks ready and working on the presentation (on another computer that was more modern). I had to close out all their stuff to use our items first. Because the room is a theater, the computer we used on the stage was controlled in the media room. AND, because the presentation wouldn't open directly to our links, I had to pre-open the links and use the keyboard on the stage to navigate between the two. One of the guys in group 2 was so PISSED. He was still pissed when class was over. Sorry, I was concerned that during OUR presentation, the FIRST presentation, that I would click over to a part of their presentation. Not good. My group mates all had notes for their parts of the presentation; I did not. And, for Barb and Annette, I ran the presentation for her. We even were able to answer all the questions that were thrown at us, especially since the questions came from group 2.
Not to blow our own horns, but we believe our presentation was the best. Everyone else experienced the technical problems we had, but no one had the technical knowledge that I did to overcome our issues.
And, after class one of my group mates and one classmate asked me if I had done presentations before because I seemed very flawless and knew what I wanted to say. I told them yep, that I had worked for a consulting firm for 7 years. During that time, I taught one-on-one training all the way up to teaching classes of 100 people. Presenting is easy for me. I don't mind being in front of a crowd at all, especially when I know my topic.
I came home, stopping for gas along the way. I'm trying to wait until the ABSOLUTE last minute to get gas. This time, I had 294 miles. But, gas was $33.50. I'm getting gas once to twice a week this way.
I came home and made dinner. I made steak and stuffing. We went out to Walgreen's to get Cassi's "itchy girl medicine" and to Giant Eagle to stock up on canned corn and other small grocery needs (lunch meat, bread, lunch snacks, butter). We got home and I started working on my paper again for tomorrow morning. I'm all done with it for now. It's just over 11 pages long. Good enough for the rough draft. I even printed my take home exam for tomorrow night's magazine class.
Now, I'm working on my writing samples for tomorrow's interview. Wish me luck. I should know something by 6 pm if I got the job or not. If I do, I'm actually now looking to start working on 4/24, half day, which is the end of next week.
OK. I'm still going strong, but dying slowly.
Lots of love to all,
8^ )
P.S. Thanks to everyone for giving me LOTS of support. I should graduate Manga Cum Laude at this rate.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
MY STUFF IS DONE! I'm still waiting on Rodney's stuff and Annette's presentation/paper and Barbara's presentation pieces. Rodney, well, I'll give him some dispensation. He's worked very hard with the other 2 in the group and WAS sick for over a week.
But, I was with the other 2 last Saturday (and yesterday). My impression was that their pieces of the paper were done and we would be meeting to get their presentation sections together for tomorrow.
I'd say stressed isn't the word. AND, I'm also trying to get together my Senior Survey paper. I have to have 12 pages of 15 done for Tuesday. I've got about 4 done. I really have no thesis and am trying to piece together an interesting thesis and paper at the same time, while reviewing the pieces I want to quote into a harmonious writing (oh and try to put my own thinking in the middle).
And, to top it off, Cassi's home now, which is fine, but she wants to PLAY! Then, my step daughter keeps calling me. WHY? I know she's been calling me, asking me to get Rob to call her. Don't ask. I don't want to get into it right now.
Rob's sick. He ended up having to go to work tonight because he missed calling out by a half hour. Has the flu. He kept me up most of the night because he was having such a hard time breathing. Put his back out from coughing so hard. So, I ended up not getting up and awake until 1pm.
Please, God, help me make it through the next 2 and a half days without killing someone!
Pray for me!
8^ (
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
My Beautiful Child
Sunday, April 06, 2008
1. Magazine article: edited main article and wrote 3 new ones (article 1: 2448 words, article 2: 350 words, article 3: 800 words, article 4: 333 words) and I included photos of our stove
2. Film Group Paper: I wrote my 5 pages for the group project while I worked with 2 of my mates to help them prepare their parts. They are working on it right now. Once they are finished, I'll review them and prepare them for the group printout.
3. Film Take-Home Test: My test consisted of 10 multiple choice, true/false, and fill in questions, along with 5 essay questions. My test typed was 8 pages long (single-spaced). I just emailed my exam to the professor.
With that, I am going to take a short break before I get started with my annotated bibliography for Senior Survey due on Tuesday.
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. Last night, I also washed 3 loads of laundry (washed, not folded), cooked dinner, and got a load of dishes into the washer and washed it this morning.
Friday, April 04, 2008
All HELL Breaks Loose...
If you don't hear from me at all for the next 2 weeks, you'll understand!
Here's what I've got to get done for the next 2 weeks (by date):
1. Due Monday - take home test from Film class. The first test was 8 pages of essays. (started but not finished) DONE 4/6
2. Due Tuesday - Annotated Bibliography for Senior Survey. Bib ready but "annotated part" not done yet DONE 4/7
3. Due Tuesday night - Magazine article edits. Started going through editorial review. Based on our proposal, what changes did we need to do to based on what our proposal stated. I've now got the main article written and 3 (yes THREE) side-bar articles written for my proposal. AND, I've added photos and captions. ALL DONE!
4. Due Monday 4/14 - complete paper for Film class AND presentation. The paper is 20-25 pages for the group. All I have to do for my part is my 5 pages. 5 PAGES DONE! Then, I'll help the group get the rest of the paper together. From the paper, a presentation needs to be created over the next week. It's a 20 minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We are giving our presentation on 4/14. Once this is done, we are done and I can focus on film journal writing.
5. Due Tuesday 4/15 - rough draft at least 12 pages of our research paper for Senior Survey. With that amount due, I'm going to write the FULL paper of 15 pages.
6. Plus any additional edits to my magazine article(s) that need to be done.
7. Internship newsletter and research
8. House, kid, husband!
9. PTO
So, if I don't talk to anyone on the phone, email, txt message, you'll all understand!
Lots of love to all,
8^ )
P.S. So, as you all might imagine, Cassi is at Pa's this weekend. She's made a new friend who lives right around the corner, within walking distance. Since I don't have class Monday afternoon, I may try to invite her over for an hour or two. She's in first grade. I met her during the fall fundraiser. She's so sweet and mom is very nice too!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Possible Cousin...
He looks strikingly like my cousins who live in this area. And, to boot, my great-grandfather on my mom's side was a Quesada.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if he was a cousin? even distantly?
A number of years ago, while I and my mom were working at Ft. Dix (army base), a solider passed through my office. His last name was Culp. And, when you looked at him, he looked EXACTLY like my great-grandmother. Her maiden name was Culp. I told him he ABOSOLUTELY had to go visit my mom, telling her I sent him. After some research, his mother was listed in our family history book.
So, this guy on TV could be related too. I'll try to look up information about him in my book, but I'll also try to contact him directly.
OK. That's it for now. I think I'm getting TOO much sleep.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Since My Last Post...
I know I'm jumping the gun, but it's very interesting (and frustrating) that not one of the companies have contacted me regarding positions at their company, even though they sounded very interested in me at the career fair. I did what my career counselor suggested. I sent emails to those who I met at the fair, asking for feedback on further options with their companies. The emails were very nice. I explained how I met with a representative, discussing the company and how I might fit into the organization. The representative said they would take my resume with them back to HR and someone would call me.
OK, that definitely sounds like a line. But, I did what I was told to do.
But, in the mean time, I'm looking at freelance writing jobs. I can't wait for companies (or their insecure representatives) to decide I'm right for their organization.
I've now registered on two Web sites for freelance work. The first, which I told you about earlier, is I posted my first proposal yesterday for a Editor/Typesetter. OK, I'm not big on "terms" and couldn't think off the top of my head what a typesetter was. After a quick run through the dictionary, I realized, "Hey! I've done this before!"
A typesetter is someone who takes electronic documents and prepares them electronically for printing (adding any necessary breaks and cover sheets needed to reproduce the document in a book, etc). Hell, I did that for many years at my first job (where I learned all I know today) and where I managed syllabi, lab manuals, and information packets in an 100% electronic format. So, we'll see in a few days if I get the job or not. The project is for a book 150-200 pages to be edited and typeset. Can do!
But, I signed up Thursday night, late on another site, which is more economical for me. Let me 'splain. On, to have things verified and tests taken to prove you know what you know, you have to PAY. Oh, sure, the account right now is free. Yep, I could pay 10 a month, but why when I'm brand new, plus they charge a per project fee for freelance work. Even free accounts get charged this.
This new site is called Found it while I was be-bopping around the net Thursday night for jobs. This site, is free for me to take exams and become "expert" in the areas that Elance chooses to charge. Yes, I still would get charged the project service fee, but this site seems better. Plus, with this site, I'm able to get work in multiple area (writing, administrative, etc). On Elance, I can only do the writing category in a "free" account.
But, I just passed my first exam. I took the English (Sentence Structure) exam. Each exam oDesk gives is 40 questions in 40 minutes. I took this exam in 20 minutes and scored a 4.6 out of 5.0. Hmm! Not bad. And, based on this ONE exam, the minimum bid per hour I could expect to receive is 16.88 per hour. Not bad. As I pass more exams, that figure will go up!
OK. Thought I'd share. I want to try to take another exam before Rob gets up for work.
Lots of love,
8^ )
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
032508 at 7 pm
8^ )
Out of the Mouths of Babes!
Cassi JUST went into our bedroom, while her daddy was getting dressed for lodge.
"When are you going to get handsome?" she asked.
He said, "I'm always handsome." (and I chirped in and agreed)
She said, "But not when you're NAKED!"
Only a child could be that straight forward.
Lots of love,
8^ )
P.S. Hope you laughed a LITTLE (ok, a lot!)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
English Senior Survey Prospectus
So, without further ado, here's the prospectus I came up with for my research. I'm going to ask her Tuesday about the final product I wish to write, which is in a segmented, technical format. I think if I can THINK THIS WAY, I can write this information clearer. Right now, if I have to write 15 pages of prose (no section breaks and headers), I won't make it!
Prospectus: The correlation between fictional female pilgrims during Medieval England and actual accounts of female pilgrims during this time through the use of writing and religion.
Susan Signe Morrison has said in her writings that women were the reasons families were what they were during medieval times. Without a woman, a man would not have someone to marry; the woman was the one who gave birth to the children; and the woman cooked and cleaned the home. All of these items made up a “family” for which the woman was the central figure. If any of these items lacked, like woman not being able to have children because of being infertile to the woman having any ailment and not allowing her to manage the household, the “family” did not survive. This was a reason that a woman would go on a pilgrimage. There are also many other reasons a woman would go on a pilgrimage during the medieval times. Other writings have told how, even though women did go on pilgrimage, they were highly advised against travelling. During this time, travel was very dangerous, especially for women. Accounts have been written of women being raped and killed while on pilgrimage, not even arriving to their destinations. For all of the accounts of pilgrimage as a whole, more women did go on pilgrimage than was documented.
During this time, Chaucer wrote the book, The Canterbury Tales, of which a character, the Wife of Bath was one of the pilgrims. I intend to research more into her background. Based on what was written in the book about her and her tale, she was not portrayed as a typical woman of that time period, nor was she portrayed as a typical pilgrim. There was no presentation of children in this book. During this time in history, a woman’s primary role was to bear children. Being that the woman was the central figure in a family, why did she seem so out of place in this book? I intend to compare her character profile to accounts of real women pilgrims of that time period. I also intend to discuss how she used religion to support her claims and how religion was important to real women pilgrims of the time period.
Overall, I would like to research why women went on pilgrimage. Did women have limits to where they were allowed to go and where they did go? Many women were known pilgrimage to local religious sites. When a woman wanted to go on a pilgrimage, what issues surfaced? How did social order affect a woman’s desire for pilgrimage? Women often went on pilgrimage because of medical issues with them or their children. How did the family unit handle this desire?
I would also like to include research on The Book of Margery Kempe, however at this point, I do not know enough about the book or the character behind the book to give enough questions to answer.
That' s it! So exciting, eh?
Lots of love,
8^ )