Friday, July 04, 2008

Time to Talk About Others...

Haven't done this in a while. Thought I would be good...


I just peeked on my step-daughter's my space site...


She must have so little respect for herself and her body to become pregnant. But, leave it to the mom to allow this to happen:

1. allowed her to quit school (just turned 17)
2. allowed boyfriend to move in with them (committed statutory rape because supposedly he's 19 and she's minor)
3. allowed her to have sex with him and allowed her to get pregnant!

Guess what? I DON'T want to be a grandmother. Don't care what anyone says. I will become a grandmother, if and WHEN Cassi grows up and becomes an ADULT. Once she's married and stable in her relationship will I become a grandmother.

I just sent a text message to Rob. Wonder what he will say???!!!

At this point, I will not call her names. Everyone can imagine what I am thinking of her right now. Just won't say it out loud! Not impressed with the immature so-and-so!

8^ (


Unknown said...

Can't say I'm surprised.

Unknown said...

maybe she's messing with you guys....? there's always hope!!!

Cathy said...

She's definitely not messing with anyone. Hasn't even called Rob to tell him. I told him last night. He was very logical about the whole thing. She was "chomping at the bit" to have sex, get pregnant, and quit school. But, according to what I read, her mom is just pleased that she's pregnant. She quit smoking (yep, she did that too and drinking). Boyfriend moved out because he was controlling her and all her friends dropped her like a bad habit. But, that's what happens when you get pregnant. You are chained to your child. But, it will be all of us who pay taxes who ultimately will shell out cash for this child to have a child!

jellybean said...

my my she is in a mess.
my mil did that. let my lil sis in law's bf move in. she's just graduated high school.
i think my mil though it would be more practical and safe for her daughter if they were having sex under her roof atleat.
i don't think it works like that. you're just harboring opportunity for "things to happen"