Friday, April 04, 2008

All HELL Breaks Loose...

For those of you who like my witty humor (you know the 3 of you out there), Hell is finally breaking loose.

If you don't hear from me at all for the next 2 weeks, you'll understand!

Here's what I've got to get done for the next 2 weeks (by date):

1. Due Monday - take home test from Film class. The first test was 8 pages of essays. (started but not finished) DONE 4/6
2. Due Tuesday - Annotated Bibliography for Senior Survey. Bib ready but "annotated part" not done yet DONE 4/7
3. Due Tuesday night - Magazine article edits. Started going through editorial review. Based on our proposal, what changes did we need to do to based on what our proposal stated. I've now got the main article written and 3 (yes THREE) side-bar articles written for my proposal. AND, I've added photos and captions. ALL DONE!
4. Due Monday 4/14 - complete paper for Film class AND presentation. The paper is 20-25 pages for the group. All I have to do for my part is my 5 pages. 5 PAGES DONE! Then, I'll help the group get the rest of the paper together. From the paper, a presentation needs to be created over the next week. It's a 20 minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions. We are giving our presentation on 4/14. Once this is done, we are done and I can focus on film journal writing.
5. Due Tuesday 4/15 - rough draft at least 12 pages of our research paper for Senior Survey. With that amount due, I'm going to write the FULL paper of 15 pages.
6. Plus any additional edits to my magazine article(s) that need to be done.
7. Internship newsletter and research
8. House, kid, husband!
9. PTO

So, if I don't talk to anyone on the phone, email, txt message, you'll all understand!

Lots of love to all,
8^ )

P.S. So, as you all might imagine, Cassi is at Pa's this weekend. She's made a new friend who lives right around the corner, within walking distance. Since I don't have class Monday afternoon, I may try to invite her over for an hour or two. She's in first grade. I met her during the fall fundraiser. She's so sweet and mom is very nice too!

1 comment:

Cupcake Blonde said...

I seriously do nt know how you do it all. Thinking about doing even half of this gives me hives. :)