Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes!

When children have such honesty!

Cassi JUST went into our bedroom, while her daddy was getting dressed for lodge.

"When are you going to get handsome?" she asked.

He said, "I'm always handsome." (and I chirped in and agreed)

She said, "But not when you're NAKED!"

Only a child could be that straight forward.

Lots of love,
8^ )

P.S. Hope you laughed a LITTLE (ok, a lot!)


Unknown said...

Cassi is really smart for her age and she cracks me up all the time with the stuff she says. A while back we had this conversation:

Cassi: Aunt Marie are you and Joe Married?

Me: No honey we're not.

Cassi: Where do you live then?

Me: I live with Uncle Joe, it's his house, but it's our home that we share together.

Cassi: So basically you're homeless right?

Me: Technically you're right.

We were talking about this with Dad in the room and he started rolling with laughter!

Cupcake Blonde said...

That girls cracks me up!! Homeless Marie can come live with me any time and I am sure Rob looks just fine...uh...I am going to quit while I am ahead.