Thursday, May 29, 2008


After emails and worry at the beginning of this week, the official word is in:

CONGRATULATIONS! You've graduated!

Yep, even though I already went through the ceremony. Yep, even though I was told I graduated.

I decided to look at my transcript Monday night to see where the results were. I knew it would take about a month after graduation to get the OFFICIAL diploma in the mail. And, low and behold, there's this LITTLE "i" sitting next to where the credits for my Magazine class were and 0.0 credits allowed.


What's this all about? I was told back in October that the class would be okay. I emailed the lady who helped me fix my foreign language credits and my English advisor. My English advisor said that because the class was an ENG 301 and was a different topic (this class has three topics), it was cleared to take.

Well, the system doesn't agree with that. It's the same class number. So, I had to go through the rigamarole over getting the class approved for graduation. I had enough credits overall to graduate, but not enough English requirements.

But, after emails and some worry, everything worked out fine. On my unofficial transcript, it actually shows the "Bachelor's Degree" awarded as of 5/9/2008.

So, after a little worry, everything worked out OK. I'll be getting my diploma mailed in about a week.

...Now, where's my job? I know there's so much to do at home. I'm going stir crazy. I need ADULTS again!

Lots of love,
8^ )

P.S. Didn't tell Rob because I knew how PO'd he would have been. Wanted to make sure everything was fixed as I thought it would be before telling him any news. Shhhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's good to hear that everything is fixed and you will be getting your diploma! Have your heard anything about the Executive Assistant posistion? Maybe you can look at some temp work too to get yourself back in the market and with adults. You should see if you can do that this week, either Kelly Services or another company like that, not just the recruiters.