Sunday, April 13, 2008


My blood pressure is THROUGH THE ROOF! Tomorrow is my presentation for my film class.

MY STUFF IS DONE! I'm still waiting on Rodney's stuff and Annette's presentation/paper and Barbara's presentation pieces. Rodney, well, I'll give him some dispensation. He's worked very hard with the other 2 in the group and WAS sick for over a week.

But, I was with the other 2 last Saturday (and yesterday). My impression was that their pieces of the paper were done and we would be meeting to get their presentation sections together for tomorrow.


I'd say stressed isn't the word. AND, I'm also trying to get together my Senior Survey paper. I have to have 12 pages of 15 done for Tuesday. I've got about 4 done. I really have no thesis and am trying to piece together an interesting thesis and paper at the same time, while reviewing the pieces I want to quote into a harmonious writing (oh and try to put my own thinking in the middle).

And, to top it off, Cassi's home now, which is fine, but she wants to PLAY! Then, my step daughter keeps calling me. WHY? I know she's been calling me, asking me to get Rob to call her. Don't ask. I don't want to get into it right now.

Rob's sick. He ended up having to go to work tonight because he missed calling out by a half hour. Has the flu. He kept me up most of the night because he was having such a hard time breathing. Put his back out from coughing so hard. So, I ended up not getting up and awake until 1pm.

Please, God, help me make it through the next 2 and a half days without killing someone!

Pray for me!

8^ (


Cupcake Blonde said...

Prayers sent! Deep breaths, you can do this! And think of how great you will feel when everything is all done.

jellybean said...

wow! over the top stressed is more like it! i don't guess you killed anyone yet...but i don't guess you would blogg about that(teehee!)
you are doing great! it won't last forever! just set small goals to get through. just a few days at a time, and then set another marker to work towards and before you know it you'll be graduated!