Saturday, March 29, 2008

Since My Last Post...

All Hell broke loose on my body. This week, it was THAT TIME! I barely ate anything, have been dealing with migraines. Thank GOD Cassi went to Pa's on Thursday. This was when I started getting nauseous, etc. NO, not preggy (THAT TIME!).

I know I'm jumping the gun, but it's very interesting (and frustrating) that not one of the companies have contacted me regarding positions at their company, even though they sounded very interested in me at the career fair. I did what my career counselor suggested. I sent emails to those who I met at the fair, asking for feedback on further options with their companies. The emails were very nice. I explained how I met with a representative, discussing the company and how I might fit into the organization. The representative said they would take my resume with them back to HR and someone would call me.

OK, that definitely sounds like a line. But, I did what I was told to do.

But, in the mean time, I'm looking at freelance writing jobs. I can't wait for companies (or their insecure representatives) to decide I'm right for their organization.

I've now registered on two Web sites for freelance work. The first, which I told you about earlier, is I posted my first proposal yesterday for a Editor/Typesetter. OK, I'm not big on "terms" and couldn't think off the top of my head what a typesetter was. After a quick run through the dictionary, I realized, "Hey! I've done this before!"

A typesetter is someone who takes electronic documents and prepares them electronically for printing (adding any necessary breaks and cover sheets needed to reproduce the document in a book, etc). Hell, I did that for many years at my first job (where I learned all I know today) and where I managed syllabi, lab manuals, and information packets in an 100% electronic format. So, we'll see in a few days if I get the job or not. The project is for a book 150-200 pages to be edited and typeset. Can do!

But, I signed up Thursday night, late on another site, which is more economical for me. Let me 'splain. On, to have things verified and tests taken to prove you know what you know, you have to PAY. Oh, sure, the account right now is free. Yep, I could pay 10 a month, but why when I'm brand new, plus they charge a per project fee for freelance work. Even free accounts get charged this.

This new site is called Found it while I was be-bopping around the net Thursday night for jobs. This site, is free for me to take exams and become "expert" in the areas that Elance chooses to charge. Yes, I still would get charged the project service fee, but this site seems better. Plus, with this site, I'm able to get work in multiple area (writing, administrative, etc). On Elance, I can only do the writing category in a "free" account.

But, I just passed my first exam. I took the English (Sentence Structure) exam. Each exam oDesk gives is 40 questions in 40 minutes. I took this exam in 20 minutes and scored a 4.6 out of 5.0. Hmm! Not bad. And, based on this ONE exam, the minimum bid per hour I could expect to receive is 16.88 per hour. Not bad. As I pass more exams, that figure will go up!

OK. Thought I'd share. I want to try to take another exam before Rob gets up for work.

Lots of love,
8^ )


Unknown said...

That's really cool about the freelance stuff!! Keep up the good work and this may be a good place to start!!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Freelance work pays the best as long as you can live with the inconsistantcy. That freaked me out but if I had a full-time job on top of it it was great extra cash.