Monday, February 05, 2007

Jumping Ahead of Myself

But, I wanted to get my personal post done this evening, although, I may end up writing again tomorrow.

I can't believe how much I enjoy being by myself during the day, being able to do my writing while Rob sleeps and Cassi is at school. Today, was not that kind of day. Today, Cassi was home from school. She is DRIVING me nuts. Because she's the only child, she expects 100% attention while she is at home. NO MATTER WHAT MOMMY & DADDY HAVE TO DO. I'm trying to get homework done, but every 2 minutes, Cassi comes in asking for something else.

For some reason, the schools in this area, closed today (and tomorrow) because the temperatures are too low for the kids who walk. I understand that. Today, 650 schools and school districts in the Cleveland, OH viewing area were closed. My guess is that that many are closed again tomorrow.

Problems: 1. Cassi was to get her school pictures taken tomorrow. When will they be? Who knows? But, hopefully, they give the parents enough notice to allow us to dress our kids half-way decent for nice pictures. 2. I have homework. Because I was out of class last Tuesday night, my professor was supposed to send me the homework LAST WEDNESDAY. I just got it when I got home from class this evening, due tomorrow. NO SWEAT! I can handle it! 3. I have to go to Suzin L to get fundraising paperwork and confirm a start date-end date-delivery date for the fundraiser. Our goal is $1000 profit to fund two of the major requests for this year for the school. Yes, we've already given them $4600 for an interactive whiteboard, paid of our secret santa, will give over $1k for a wall of fame breakfast and mardi gras night for the upcoming levy to build a state-of-the-art high school. Then, we'll also be paying for the busses for their field trips and "Science on the Go" assemblies for the kids too. I think I could write up a whole "What we're doing for the school" blog entry. 4. I've still got my daily journaling and interaction with poetry. 5. Laundry, dishes, housework (still got to do them, even though Rob is home). 6. Class

Need I say more?

But, if I wasn't this active, I would be IMENSELY bored! I have always been this way, always needing to do five GAZILLION things at once. Do I REALLY get anything done? Probably not, but looks good anyway.

Okay. Had to vent. I'm going to go do the dishes. Maybe I'll get Cassi to help. The diswasher is empty, just crying for the dirty dishes in the sink. "Feed me!" Then, I guess I could work on folding the laundry, as a new load of dirty are ready for the washer in the am.

AND, Cassi is off tomorrow, AGAIN. I know she'll be looking for something to do. Maybe the Home & Garden Show will have free entry for the kids again. I'll splurge to send Rob out with her to get them out of my hair so I can get stuff done.

Eh, they can stay. Don't want them to have any problems with the weather.

Love to all,
8^ )

P.S. But, when I need to get stuff done, I just need ME-time!

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