Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cassi News

Thought this would be good to share. We got her interim report for the third grading period. First, I cannot BELIEVE how fast this school year has gone.

Okay, here's what it says:

"Cassi completes her school and homework every day. We are working on using strategies to figure out unknown words while reading and writing." (special ed teacher)

"Cassi is making nice progress in adding and daily classroom discussion." (reg teacher)

Okay, she gets her homework done every night because I sit down and make sure every piece of paper is done that needs to be done, books read, spelling words written, etc.

Also, because I was not home to cook din-din, I came home to 2 people who hadn't eaten. We went to Eat N Park. While there, the waitress asked Cassi what she wanted to drink. She said, "Water please. Thank You."

While Cassi was in the potty and daddy was waiting for her, the waitress came back and said Cassi made her night. How many times she's been working and the kids are so unruly. The parents, who sit right at the table and do not discipline their the children. Basically, I told her that I was not raising my child to be disrespectful to us or anyone she comes into contact with. We always remind her when she should say please, thank you, excuse me, your welcome, and good bye. There is no excuse for parents who don't discipline their kids. Also, I told the girl that someone who doesn't discipline their kid(s) does not have respect for themselves because the kid(s) doesn't have respect for the parents or, in this case, the server.

After Cassi came back, I explained how she made the server's night. Then, I asked her what she would tell the server when we left. She's got a new favorite word.


I told Cassi that it's nice when you tell someone good-bye. The servers and staff got a kick out of Cassi when she told them toodaloo.

So, my moral: Be a PARENT to your kid(s). Teach them to say the "good words" because, not only are you teaching them respect, it's also the right thing to do. AND, don't let your kid(s) act up in public. You have no respect for yourself when you do.

Love to all,
8^ )


Lynda said...

I think a lot of parents let their kids get away with things. It sounds like you are doing a good job!

Lynda said...
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Unknown said...

That is awesome! She is such a good girl, but you do need to work with her more on knowing personal space, she can't just hug everyone that she thinks is nice. That could be dangerous!