Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Bad Student...

Okay, so yesterday evening, when I got home, I received my homework in the mail for this evening. I guess I'm going to be bad because I have no idea what she wants me to do for my assignment. Also, there is just no way to get a 1-2 page typed paper ready for her today. Hopefully, she won't take points off if I can get it finished and turned into her tomorrow before my poetry class. There's a disconnect with what she's wanting me to do.

So, here is the information she sent me about the homework:

Definition Assignment

Using Chapter 11 of your book, please complete the following:

1) using a word from your field (for grad students) or from a quantitative field (for undergrads), write a classic definition sentence as found on page 401 of your book;

2) select an audience who would benefit from learning about this term and write a brief description of that audience using the guide on page 91;

3) expand your definition using at least 2 of the strategies in Chapter 11
Page length: 1-2 pages single spaced with layout techniques

I think it's the "quantitative" part that is confusing me. Also, I was out of class last week because I was sick (remember, the dizzy-thing). And, she was out sick on Thursday, so no class. I don't want to just call. For some odd reason, I'm feeling really confused, personally and educationally. (just a weird day)

So, I'll go to class. I'll also email her too. I'm finishing reading. But, I also have to start reading the next chapter too.

Wish me luck!

8^ )


Unknown said...

Be upfront and call her!! The only way you will know what she wants is to ask! You are a grown up now!

Cathy said...

I figured it would be easier to talk with her in person. For me, it's much easier this way. But, I've called. Just waiting for her to call me back. The whole homework can't be done, until I understand what she means by "quantitative". Once I understand that, the homework will be easy for me to do.

Also, it's seems I'm feeling ditzy today. Still REALLY tired and still taking my dizzy-girl pills. Tomorrow, I'm off to the ear doctor.