Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Weekend of Hillbilly!

Since this is Rob's weekend for being off, it's typically our weekend to go be hillbillies at the campground.

Yesterday morning, I'd say about 4:30/5:00, I'm hearing this faint mewing sound. It's VERY close to my bed. So, I get up to see how the babies are doing. The kittens have been living in Cassi's room, but, all of a sudden, I don't see them.

You see, MOM, decided she was putting them UNDER my bed. This just can't happen. Charlie, our other adult female, who absolutely detests the kittens, LIVES in our bedroom. That is her domain. So, when I try to move them BACK to the bedroom, mom wants to bring them back out.

We compromised. I brought them out to the living room. Our living room/dining room is 13 feet wide by 28 feet long. In one corner, where I wanted to put the kittens before, is where they now live. We're DEFINITELY watching for them since now they're out in the public. But, for the most part, they are staying in their corner.

But, our day SUCKED! Our sleeping was sooo off. Plus, after getting them out into the living room, and the kittens going back to sleep, Popeye, the orange one, decides he's going to be my shadow and doesn't want to sleep, except for with me. I can drape an arm across my breast and have him lay on his back so I can rub his belly. Then, he falls asleep. I ended up laying in the recliner with him in my arms. We both take a nap.

So, Rob's sleep is REALLY off. I wake up after a short nap, which is also after taking Cassi to her last day of school, when he decides to go to sleep. AND, he's asleep until after 2pm! Not only is he still recovering from this day, he's still recovering from 6 straight 12-hour shifts at the Cleveland Clinic. Very tiring, but rewarding to him.

The first thing he says to me is, "Let's go camping." Well, I've got laundry to wash, dishes to put in the dishwasher, etc. Plus, there's chicken out that needs to be cooked before we go. Within 3 hours, I get 2 loads of laundry washed, 1 load of dishes in the dishwasher and running, garbage out, kitty litter emptied and food refilled, and stuff packed for the campground. Plus, I cook dinner before we go, chicken breast for chicken salads.

We get down to the campground and get the beds remade. Because it was VERY humid the last time we were down, we brought all our blankies and such home to wash. That was 2 days of laundry. So, we had a VERY full car of a box fan, blankies, etc.

Because it's almost "that time" for me, I'm ready for bed by 9 and am actually asleep by 9:30. Cassi slept with me because all the JUNK laying on my bed goes in a storage tub under the camper. I think we both had a tough time sleeping. She kept throwing her sheet off, and I was chilly and used a blankie.

In the middle of the night, I had to get up and potty because I didn't before I fell asleep. Rob is still up. Of course, because he slept all day Friday, he was still awake. Because our camper is small, we use the campground's bath house for potty and showers. After I get back to bed and asleep, I can feel my hips digging into the "mattress" on my bed. By morning, don't even know what time I got up, my hips and back hurt.

Today, we spent time with friends, visiting and walking. We took Cassi up to the play area and relaxed a little. While there, we found 10 cents. We're RICH!

By the afternoon, it was so hot, just way too hot to stay. We came home. We checked on the babies, played a little, and cooled off. We'll be taking the camping on a case-by-case basis for the rest of this year. If it's hot like it has been, we may just not go because of the "no air" problem.

So, we're home now. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow. We'll know when we get up. I do know that I've got at least 3 loads of laundry to wash, dishes to do, garbage to take out. HMMM, seems like I've done this recently! Plus, I've got a living room and dining room to clean up.

That's it for tonight. It's almost midnight. I SHOULD go to bed soon!

Love to all,
8^ )


Unknown said...

Sounds like a crazy but hopefully fun day! I like being able to catch up with all the daily ins and outs!! Unfortunately I have no desire to type up anything anymore it seems like, I've been having to much fun being off of the computer. =)

Cupcake Blonde said...

Wow, you certainly had a lot happen!! Those kittens sound like quite a handful but I bet they are just the cutest little things. It's easier to forgive them for being a pain.