Friday, July 28, 2006

Okay, now it's my turn at the topic fo the day: someone getting fired for their blog.

First, I don't know all the exacts about the person, the blog, or the situation leading up to this person being fired.

I agree that blogging SHOULD NOT be done at work. If you don't have enough to do that you are blogging on company time, you should be fired. Next, if you are talking bad about your job, your co-workers and giving out names, you could be sued for slander. Don't talk about your job on your blog. If you can generalize your job to talk about it, that no one would be offended, that would be fine.

Next, for those people searching their names on the search engines, I have NO PROBLEM looking for myself and finding it on the search engines. This is because of 3 things:
  1. Rob and I run a home-based business. With this business, it is imperative that people know who you are and have a way to find you. We have worked VERY HARD to get our web site on the search engines to be able to find us. By the way, the web site is:
  2. Next, I personally run a creative services business. This is my way to use my skills learned from Ernst & Young, a former employer, in a way to continue my skills while I am not employed. That web site is: As you can see, even if you searched my full name, you'll find it because that is my web site name.
  3. Finally, I don't care who sees my blog. I'm sick of being so introverted not be able to say my mind.

When I worked, blogging wasn't even part of the internet culture. At the time, emailing was the "in" thing to do. Yes, I did a lot of emailing, but my personal emails were small compared to the amount of emailing I did when I worked.

I am not going to change my blog. I know that once I finish school and have a job again, that I will not put specifics about my job or my coworkers on the blog. I will also NOT blog until I get home from work. I do know that if I need to write something down, I will keep a notepad around to keep my thoughts. BLOGGING will only be done at home, during off hours. Plus, if I feel the need to talk about my job, it will be in general to what I do. Plus, if I there is a reason for me to talk poorly about my co-workers and job, I shouldn't be there. I feel my job is where I can have a challenge and be occupied for the entire time I am being paid to be there.

With that, I'll close this. This topic was very strong, but I also wanted to make sure my thoughts and opinions had their voice.

Now, I'm getting off the soapbox. I've got some web design to do.

Love to all,
8^ )


Unknown said...

Very good and strong post! I don't know all the particulars of the other person's blog, but it would suck if they didn't do anything wrong and got fired for it!

Anonymous said...

The guide for most blogs is that if there is anything that you don't want everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - to read and react to, then you shouldn't put it into a blog.

Just as a note, some employers also do Google searches of potential employees searching for stuff, so it is more than just badmouthing your employer.