Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cassi, in bath, Mom, on computer, Dad, on computer...

Okay. It's about 9:22 pm. Today all done. We had the opportunity this evening to go visit old neighbors from our old house and old friends. Yep, folks, we had friends in Grafton. For those of you not familiar, Grafton is Southwest of Downtown Cleveland and about 15 minutes Southeast of Elyria.

Anyway, stopped over at our old neighbor's house. His name is Carl. I think we spent almost an hour there. Boy, does the man like to chat, which was fun. If he's never heard this before, with his beard, he could surely pass as Santa. Cassi has always called him, "Uncle Carl" and his wife, "Aunt Karen" just because they've always been there. Got to see Johnny, his one son. Tim wasn't there. Got the lowdown on the whole "Grafton Scene" this evening. Down in town, they were talking about building a ramp to go over the train tracks. Because Rt. 57 is a major road in rural Grafton, the ramp is needed. You see, with the train crossing over the major road, if a train comes through and there's an emergency on the other side of the tracks, the ambulance has no way to get to them. So, the town bought 2 houses and tore them down to put in this ramp. Carl told us they were building the ramp that prompted us to drive down into town to see what was going on. We hadn't really been into Grafton for so long. We also miss being out in the country. Maybe we'll get back there after I finish school.

Cassi has this IEP-thing. It is the specialized document that is the "official" document that approves her for special services. Rob thinks after this year, Cassi will be far enough to not have specialized help after this year. They help her so much. She has, uh-oh, I'm feeling a little blonde right now! Oh, yeah! Auditory Processing Disorder. Shew.

Okay. Guess it's time for me to clean up my act and get ready for bed. It was a day. At first, the day started out nicely. The weather was nice, at 7:30am. As soon as 8:15 came around to take Cassi down the street to her school, it got SOOOO muggy. And it didn't clear up. Luckily, we've got central air with this home. Note to self, don't buy another house unless it comes WITH central air AND a dishwasher.

We took the cupcakes for Cassi to share in her class. All but 3 were eaten. Yep, I broke down and ate one today. We'll take the rest of them to Pa's for the weekend. Don't want them with me. I've done so well this week with my new weight loss plan.

So, Rob says this weekend is "hillbilly" weekend. What he means is this is camping weekend. We'll go tomorrow afternoon and come back on Sunday afternoon. We get a weekend to relax, hang out with the friends. Oh, another note to self, look at the web site to see what's going on this weekend. So, tomorrow morning will be busy: dishes, laundry, make sure cat's have enough food, pack our clothes, pack Cassi's clothes, bring laptop to keep up these posts and other writing-type work, clean George Foreman grill to bring, take borrowed CDs back to library and get more, pack drinks.

Okay. I'll close this for this evening. I've got to give the kittens their anti-biotics before we get ready for bed. We took them to the vet this afternoon. The little orange one was sneezing. It appears he (yep, it's a he) has an upper respiratory infection. But, we took all 4 for a checkup. Have no money, but made sure they were checked out. We got a prescription for them to share, because they are so little, of the anti-biotic, an eye ointment. They also got their first worming medicine. Like it or not, all kittens and puppies are born with worms. I almost fainted when they gave me the total $99.57. Shew! And, they go back to see the vet next week for a next checkup.

I'll post new pictures of them after the weekend is over. If anyone is looking for a kitten, and lives in the Cleveland, OH area, let us know. They will be ready for adoption in 6 weeks. They will be weaned off mom and litter trained.

That's all for now!

Love to all,
8^ )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a busy day!! I'm glad you took the kittens to get checked up and that they have medicine now. Are you able to make payments on that vet bill or do they want the whole amount upfront?