Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Am I a Toxic Parent?

Recently, I read on my ex's blog a news story he read about being a toxic parent. Here is his blog:


And here is the story:


This article is VERY MUCH worth reading. I agree with the article. At least for now, my daughter is only 6, and not much worrying yet on the drinking scene. But, unlike other parents, I will not allow my daughter to drink before her time. When Rob or I decide to have a drink while she is around, she smells the drink and is immediately turned off.

That's good!

Growing up, we didn't really see alcoholic drinking. Once we got older and dad and his buddies were having poker games, there was drinking every once in a while. The bottom line was, I wasn't interested. Plus, I never really was invited to go out to parties, let alone parties that where drinking was involved. So, I didn't really care about the alcohol. My Junior year, when the Seniors went on their annual trip, the group I hung out with decided to go to the Atlantic Ocean, to someone's house for the weekend. It was a weekend drinking party. Those people, who I hung out with EVERYDAY, didn't even care that I wasn't invited. So, I spent the weekend, home and alone.

I went off to college for a year in Philadelphia. Yes, I had some drinks, but not like my first roommate, who always seemed to come back to the room too drunk to even make it to her bed. I think this also turned me off to drinking. For the whole time I was there, I went to 2 fraternity parties and 1 house party.

After I came home, yep, ran out of money for a $15K a year school, I worked for the post office, the same post office that had the Anthrax problem in Trenton, NJ. Anyway, when I worked there, on the second shift, I was often asked by the guys to stop at the bar on my way home from work. They usually went on Thursday nights for drinking. I always went. But, I never drank. I was under 21, but was never CARDED. Must have been because of the older guys I worked with. And, maybe because I looked older to the bartender than 20. But, I always ordered Cokes. I just enjoyed going because I was invited. We danced and had a good time. Then, I would go home, sober.

When I worked for E&Y, I traveled, working for them. While traveling, I drank, but only 1 drink a night. I only remember one time where I drank 2 alcoholic drinks. It was in Colorado Springs and was cut off after the second one.

I know it will be difficult. I know I will embarrass the HELL out of my child. But, who cares? I'm a MOM and it's my JOB! As my mom always told me, "This is a dictatorship. If you don't like it, tough. Once you're 18, get out and live by your own rules." Worked for me! Plus, Rob's already ready with the "shot gun" because my daughter is so cute.

Do I drink now? You bet. But, I think the last drink I had was while at the campground. We sit around, have a few, BS, and go to our campers to watch TV and go to bed. Not much going on. My favorite drink: margarita on the rocks, strawberry daquiri, or the coolers. Yep, girlie drinks.

Love to all,
8^ )

P.S. I suggest if you've got time, read the story in the Washington Post.

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