Sunday, April 15, 2007

Marie's Cake (the story)

Again, this backwards thinking is weird. I wanted everyone to read the story before seeing the pictures. Because when you post, the most recent is first, you would see the pictures before the story.

So, here's my story...ah, Marie's Cake story...

A couple of weeks ago, Marie texted me (cell phone text) that IF I was going to get her a birthday cake for her birthday, that we celebrated two weeks early, she wanted a cake with sour cream frosting. Then, last week, for Easter, I made homemade biscuits and had strawberry shortcake for dessert. This week, early in the week, she says (in another text msg), she decided she wanted the strawberry shortcake instead. This wouldn't be as bad for the sugar for my dad. He has to watch his sugar intake.

But, as I told everyone, no shortcake. I was going to make a cake instead. And, the cake I made?

It was a yellow cake with vanilla pudding and strawberries in the middle. On top, was a receipe from Kraft Foods for sour cream frosting. The recipe was really easy:

2/3 cup sour cream
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1 tub (8 oz.) cool whip

Mix the sour cream and powdered sugar together, then add the cool whip. It was really light and airy. I frosted the cake and put the cake in the fridge. The frosting became solid, which was good. I then covered the top with sliced strawberries. A yummy cake indeed.

Now, it wasn't your ordinary cake. I have the "Mix 'N Bake" Cake pan. Yes, like the one you see on TV. But, for Marie's bday, I tried to find a large one for her, one that I could order through my business. No such luck. But, I found the mini versions of these things. So, they were perfect for her to make for her and Joe. She'll be able to make 4 cakes at once and freeze 2 of them for the next time they want cake.

I left home the same time Rob did. He texts me that he wanted me to follow him on the turnpike toward's his job. This is a second way I can get to mom and dad's from my house. But, I tell him I don't have any money as it costs $.50 to get across one exit. He tells me to follow me and get on. He'll pay for me at the other end. How sweet. I asked him why he asked me to follow him that way, he said, "that way i could look at you a little longer before i go to work. love ya more than you could imagine." I just love this guy, but have been having some personal difficulties. Will get into that more another time.

So, I got to mom's about 6:30 and had the cake about 7:30. I got some good pictures with Marie and the cake. (remember, picts in the next post below). We cut the cake into 8 pieces. After cutting the first slice, Marie was shocked. She was really excited to see the type of cake I made her. I got her to take a picture of the inside of the cake too.

Everyone enjoyed the cake. Dad had two pieces. Marie wanted to share, but dad didn't. They went round and round a few times where Marie would tell dad, "We can share." And he would reply, "No, you eat it." I stepped in and told Marie, "He doesn't want to share, he wants the whole piece or none at all." So, they fought rock-paper-scissors. Dad one with scissors to Marie's paper. I was surprised that dad enjoyed the cake because he's not a big sour cream fan. But, no one told him it was made with sour cream. You couldn't really taste it from the cool whip and the powdered sugar.

So, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. I left and came home about 8:30. The weather was getting bad last night. I didn't want to have a problem coming home.

Love to all,
8^ )


Lynda said...

Sounds like you had a great day!

Unknown said...

It was a great birthday celebration! Now I can't wait until next week to see what Joe has up his sleeves to celebrate my actual birth day! I know he's up to something, I just don't know what. But that's ok, I'm more than happy to wait and see what the surprise might be!

Cupcake Blonde said...

What a fun party! I wish I could have been there.