Monday, April 02, 2007

Been Sick...

I know Marie just called our dad to "gloat" as dad said about how healthy she is. Well, this weekend, my body decided to call it quits for me. First, I was tired Saturday, but I wanted to get my journals caught up for both classes.

But, first, Rob took me to breakfast before he went to bed as he worked Friday night and again Saturday night.

By the afternoon, my blood pressure decided to start skyrocketing. And, it didn't stop. Even now, my bp has been going up and down. It's been as high as 193/175 and as low as 110/60. It was a good thing Cassi wasn't home. My sleep was all off. I spent lots of time with the bathroom. I was nauseous.

This morning, Rob, after working Sunday night, took an hour nap and took me to the doctor. She didn't know what to take of my spikes in blood pressure. So, I'm on a bland food and liquid diet for the next week. But, when I went, I have come to find out that I've lost 11 pounds in the last 2 months. The doctor said the office would call me when the results were in. But, since my chart is on the internet, I think I'll take a look.

Well, last night, I did something bad. I don't want to go into it. But, just know I did my husband wrong. And for that I am truly sorry. This is something that has never happened before to us since we've been married. I don't know what scared me, but it made me very upset. Something that was none of my business.

For the world to know: Robert, I am SORRY! Don't know if you'll read it, but I mean it when I say it. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I intend to remain your wife for as long as you'll have me (40+ years).

Okay. That's it for now. I've got to call Nuala tonight. I ended up not going to class as I was REALLY tired. And, I won't be in class Wednesday as that is the night of the announcement of the scholarship. I still feel tired.

Love to all,
8^ )


Unknown said...

Well I hope you feel better!! Take care of yourself!

Miki said...

feel better.