Saturday, December 16, 2006

Reply to my Last Post...

Because my friends are so kind and reading the BIBLE-length post I added yesterday, I've got my comment to their comments, but thought it would be better to ad as a post.

Yes, life has been CRAZY. Now that I'm on break, it's going to be equally as crazy. This week, I am working on making presents for family and friends. I'm making music CDs and such. Yesterday, I got my tax paperwork together. Plus, I've got my basement to finish cleaning and reorganizing. Since my babies are gone, I've got to finish cleaning. Plus, since we took down walls in the basement, there's old wood that needs to go out to the garbage.

Last week, we went and stocked up our kitchen. I couldn't believe how bare the cupboards were. So, we went to 3 places, Gordon Food Service, Sam's Club, and Aldi's (low budget, but good food store). At Gordon Food Service, we purchased a 25-pound bag of bread flour. First problem, how the HECK am I to store this amount of bread flour? Luckily, I was in Tupperware once. I used to sell and have LOADS of Tupperware. Can't believe how much stuff I got when I sold. Anyhoo, I found enough Modular Mates to fill 3 rectantulars and 2 ovals of all varying sizes. Today, Rob and I put together a recipe that makes 2 loaves of white bread. Will see how it goes.

Cassi has a friend coming over this evening for a sleep over. As soon as she gets here, we'll be baking the afternoon away, watching movies, and generally playing. This is her first sleep over and has been excited since big brother does stuff and she hasn't been able to do anything.

I've got a roast on in the crock pot. Got it ready this morning and will be cooking all day. Can't wait until it's the "break apart with fork" tender enough to eat. Just the way MOM makes it! Sorry, Marie, no leftovers for you. But, any juice I will save to make home made beef stew since the juice become stock.

I've got my laptop to work on over break. Since I moved my iPod to my laptop, I've got to finish setting up the music and recreating my playlists and what music I actually WANT on the iPod.

I've got a project to work on over break for one of the communications professors. After she found out the class I presented/taught at the last career week, we are working on a 3-class session to teach the COM 101 students about online portfolios. Even though she can't pay me, I explained to her this is an excellent opportunity to get experience. Plus, I can use her as a reference for future employment, which she agreed 100%. My goal over the break is to get the 3 class sessions laid out, along with the research info to give her.

Okay. Gotta go for now. Ever the BUSY one. I've got a friend, Patty, the one I talked about setting up her house network, who is equally as busy. I always wondered how she could do it and she's got 2 kids! I understand how she feels, as probably all of my fellow blog-friends who have hubby, kids, work, etc., etc.

Love to all,
8^ )


Unknown said...

I hope the sleep over goes well!! Good luck with everything today!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Wow! You make my life sound absolutely calm in comparison!