Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Follow-up to Last Post's Comment

Cassi ended up being sick today. Last night, when I got to Pa's, she was in jammies and ready to come home. Then, all of a sudden, she was on the pot. At the same time, her face was nasty flush red and her lips were red.

In 2-words, MINI ME!

When I was growing up, mom knew when I was faking because when I was REALLY sick, my lips looked like I had fire engine red lip stick on.

So, after deliberating between Dad and Rob (through text), Dad decided to take off work and keep her at his house. Today, I was downtown in Cleveland all day. My internship is for 5 hours, but, today I was there until 3. With her there and not home, I was able to stay for my break and go to class. This meant I was in Cleveland until after 6 pm. I haven't done long days like this in YEARS!

But, last night, Cassi was very sad and CRIED. First, she was upset because she was going to Dan's house. Dan said she could come over and play with Alexis. Then, I told her she could go roller skating Sunday (new fun thing to do on weekends and where I can get homework done at the same time). She was worried, even fretting that she would not be well to go. She listened to how I wouldn't make that decision until Friday. If she was still sick, she probably wouldn't go. Finally, she was utterly distraught that her teachers wouldn't know that she was sick. I told her I would call Mrs. Carey (secretary in office) who would tell her teachers she was sick.

After all that crying, fretting, and despair, she was fine with staying at Pa's. Then, she wanted to play, with her fever and all.

This morning, I told Mrs. Carey that I just HAD to call. She laughed and said that she would make sure her teachers knew she would be out.

As it stands at this point, she's feeling better but coughing. Rob has an appointment with the eye doctor in the am. We will determine if she is better to go. If not, she'll just have to stay home again. But, in the afternoon, she will go to Pa's as I have class from 6-8 pm.

It was just so hilarious to see her so worried. Once all her worries were handled, she was fine. OK, I'll stay.

And, as the comment said, she talked to Aunt 'Re today. With 'Re's schedule and mine being so screwy, it's been hard to get time for Cassi to talk with her. I've even had trouble finding time to even text. (sad face indeed)

So, I will work to make sure there's time for all of us to chat!

Lots of love to all,
8^ )

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