Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Film Screening Journal

OK. You guys will have to bear with me this semester. As part of my Imaging Africa class, I have to keep a movie journal. We will be screening movies in class and writing a journal. The professor doesn't want us to turn in an electronic journal. He just doesn't understand; my thoughts run wild and my hands on a computer work faster than a pen and paper.

So, I am going to use this blog to help with the notes from the movies. This is what I need to write about:

Title of film, Director, Main Characters, General Outline

Then, there's 5 questions I have to answer. Each writing will be a few pages in my journal. Ugh!


1. What is your reaction to the content of the film?
2. What would you change in the film's content?
3. Iconography (use of symbols)
4. Ideology (collection of ideas)
5. Indigenous (maintaining values of the film's society)

OK. That's it for now. Gotta get ready for school.

Lots of love to all,
8^ )


Unknown said...

Maybe he's just old fashioned!!

Cathy said...

Yeah. But, I'll be able to use my typed information from here in my journal. Plus, if I forget anything from my type up, I'll be able to add it.