Monday, October 23, 2006


Okay, here I go again with that "something's missing" feelings again. True, I do know what the "missing" things are, but some of them, I just can't fix, no matter what I do. So, here are things "missing" from my life right now:

1. the all-important Bachelor's Degree (which will come 2 years from now)
2. the all-MAJORLY important good job (that will come after the Bachelor's Degree comes)
3. communicating with an old friend (Haven't heard from him in a while, I know it's going to be tough, but darnit, send me a message every once in a while. Also, the only way to relieve this "missing" issue is time with said friend because I'm such a people person.)
4. my creativity seems to have left, much like the pleasant fall we were having since it appears we are now in WINTER!
5. my TV in the living room seems to have left me too (but, I'll get that back soon, I hope).

With that, I'm going to close for now. I guess we all get the BLAHS!

Love to all,
8^ )


Unknown said...

The blahs will go soon! It's ok! It's only because we haven't had time to talk lately with my crazy 6 day a week work schedule! I'll talk to you soon!

Cathy said...

fuzzy, you're ABSOLUTELY right about the being creative thing. I am definitely a creative one. I'm working right now to see if I can swing a creative writing workshop in the spring semester on poetry. Since I love poetry and the professor was the one I had over the summer, I'd like to have her again. Plus, the class falls in line with my degree requirements for English.

Marie, I know how crazy your schedule is because mine is equally as hectic. Plus, try to juggle 3 people's schedules at once for cohesion? VERY HARD.