Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick-or-Treating in Our Old "Haunt"

Rob suggested to me that we take Cassi to our old "haunt." Before moving into Elyria, we lived in a rented house in Grafton. There was a small housing development, where we would take her. This area served us well again this year.

First off, we found two or three police cars driving in the area, which they have also done in the past. What is so cool is that the police enjoy getting involved with the whole trick-or-treating "thing" too. So, not only are they driving around, making sure everyone behaves and doesn't get hurt, but you'll also find them passing out candy. They stopped us TWICE to give Cassi candy. I SURE DO miss Grafton, but we rented ourselves out of that area when we decided to buy a house.

Then, there's this one house we remembered, in a cul-de-sac that had carved pumpkins. We found the house again, which appeared to have about three dozen pumpkins carved. They had a whole table with carvings themed toward the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. They had SpongeBob SquarePants, Scooby Doo, Tweetie Bird, witches and such, and other AWESEOME, carved pumpkins. You can just imagine the amount of time and patience it took to carve them.

Again, the pictures are on my camera. Check back tomorrow for the pictures.

But, we ended up walking about two miles, which was REALLY good for me since the only walking I've been doing has been around school. Even though I do about two miles at school, I'm trying to do more. (maybe this is why I slept like such a rock)

We spent about an hour in Grafton. Trick-or-treating around here is an hour and a half. After we got done, we stopped at McD's (yep, the BAD food) and had din-din. The crowd seemed to have followed us because the place was packed when we left.

So, we came home. Rob reviewed all the candy and goodies, which appeared to be just fine. Cassi called Pa and Nana to let them know how good her "haul" was. Not bad. There were a lot of houses that used to do stuff, but just didn't this year. There were a number of houses who "used to" go all out with decorations and such for Halloween, but not this year.

Oh well!

We still enjoyed ourselves.

With that, I'm going to close for now. I'm exhausted from today at school and Cassi has homework (and so do I).

Love to all,
8^ )

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Aw. That sounds great!

We had some former neighbors come by our house. It was neat, because their first Halloween he was so scared from the costumes he cried the whole time. lol.