Thursday, February 28, 2008

On the Wagon...

Yep, guys! I'm trying it again. I'm on the wagon for soda (or for those of you out there, pop). This is the first day that I've gone without it! Yesterday, I had 1 (one) 20 oz Dr. Pepper. Had to have it as I needed to be up until 12:30 am doing homework.

So, keep encouraging me. I know I'll "fall off the wagon" here and there. But, my goal is to drop soda like a bad habit!

And, I've lost another pound. Yeah for me!

Lots of love,
8^ )

P.S. Tomorrow if my career fair. Wish me luck! Yes, Marie, I've got that good paper going into the printer tonight to print my resumes. It's off-white and will be 1 (one) page.


Unknown said...

Good luck at the job fair!! I know you're going to do great!!

Cupcake Blonde said...

I so need to do the soda thing. Good luck!