Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Have you ever had one of those "brain fart" moments? Well, I seem to be having them more and more lately. I think it's because of ALL the different types of writing I'm doing. Currently, for my own course-load, I'm doing 4 different types of writing: magazine, research and newsletters, and 2 different research. Then, with helping Rob, there's one more. Thank GOD Cassi isn't writing stories and things yet. She is writing short-answer "what comes first, next, etc" summaries about books she's reading. I mean SHORT-SHORT, one sentence.

Anyway, car skidded a little on the ice. So I could explain it correctly, I said to myself how I wanted to say it. Then, I forgot the word.

Have you ever done that? Well, it was 7 pm. I'd been working at my internship since 10 and class since 4 (no break but to move my car).

Let me just say, I CAN'T WAIT TIL MAY 10!

51 days left!

Lots of love,
8^ )

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