Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2 Degrees of Separation

Some of you, who read here, know that I have an account on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional networking site, much like myspace is personal (don't like, don't get me started).

Anyway, I added onto my profile where I went to high school at. Then, I searched for a few people from my high school. Someone who graduated a few years before me was there. I invited him to join my network. He accepted. I took at look at who's on his network.

This is cool...

Politically or not....

I am...

2 Degrees...

From Barrack Obama's LinkedIn Network!

Not sure how he's related professionally to Obama, but I'm going to ask him (or whoever is managing his network) to join my network.

I'll update and let everyone know!

That was my COOL moment for the day (before the CRAP IT'S SNOWING AGAIN! moment)

Lots of love,
8^ )

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