Tuesday, September 04, 2007

MY First Week of School...

First, let me back date. On Saturday (Aug 25), I received my student loan refund check in the mail. I need the money to purchase my parking card (not free in Cleveland) and my books. Along with my check is an envelope from Financial Aid at the school.

So, okay. What the heck do I need to do now?

Nope. Nothing I need to do. Something I did that will help me IMMENSELY. I received a scholarship for my books.

No, not just this semester. But Spring 08 as well. So, when I went to get the books, they tell me I have no limit on my scholarship. Whatever is required of me in textbooks I get to buy on this scholarship. I was able to purchase ALL my books brand new (one was used because all were used). My total cost that I didn't have to pay for was $350. Pretty good, eh? I ended up purchasing the book being used in the other section of the Grant Writing class; the original section I was in, but was on Saturday mornings.

Anyway, my goal is to graduate Spring 2008. I've got 6 classes left this year. This means I have to buckle down and take full-time credits. The bonus is that I get extra grant money from financial aid. The minus is that I don't get to sleep as much. Because, along with 3 classes is also my duties as President of PTO.

So, this semester, my schedule consists of English Grammar (ENG 310), Composition Theory for Instructors (ENG 308 in case I want to become a teacher), and Grant Writing and Proposal Development (UST 410, covers my Professional Writing Certificate). In actuality, I need 5 classes to graduate with just my degree, Bachelor of Arts in English. The UST 410 will also give me my Professional Writing Certificate.

My schedule is VERY hairy. M-W-F from 1:30-2:30 is Grammar. T-Th is Theory from 3-5. And Wednesday nights (80% web and 20% class) is my Grant class from 6-8. Plus, on the first Wednesday of each month will be the PTO meeting right after school for Cassi from 3:30-5. Then, Rob works nights. On the nights that he works and I'm in school, Cassi will go to Dan's house. Dan is the PTO Treasurer. His daughter and Cassi are good friends.

Can you see my scheduling nightmare? And, somewhere in all of this, I am keeping the house cleaned, cooking for Rob, and spending time with my family.

As it stands now, it's almost midnight on the east coast and I'm exhausted and nauseous from not eating a complete din din. Yes, I ate. Just not much.

But, I have a BUTT LOAD of reading to do. Right now, I'm sitting on over 50 pages of reading for theory class. But, I'm almost up to date on my grant writing reading. I will be damned if I get anything less than a B in all 3 classes.

I found out I've got a major research paper to do for theory class. I'm thinking on the lines of: "What are the implications of teaching English (reading and writing) to children with learning disabilities?" This idea came into my mind because I have to spend the next year preparing Cassi to take her first achievement text next year. How will they prepare her to take that test? The whole issue with her disability is because she has trouble processing what she reads. Those tests are timed. It will be interesting to see. This paper is for the theory class. I will write it for Mary like I wrote my Tech Writing paper last spring. Also for her class are 3 exams and various other assignments.

For grant writing, the whole semester, the class is the process to determine a non-profit organization to write a grant. Since I am President of PTO, which is also a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, I'll be researching and preparing a Grant RFP. This will help me with two goals: 1. my class assignment and 2. possible funding for our projects at the school. I would love to write a grant that would be funded. I've got projects that I want to get for the school that grants would definitely help with costs.

The grammar class is a generic class with reading, homework, and exams/quizzes. No papers. But, this professor is so into the grammar. I really enjoy it, but understand why my classmates don't understand why the professor is so "gung ho" about grammar. They don't realize that he is also an editor. This is what "moves" him.

So, that's about it for now. I'm already into week 2. Is it done yet?

Gotta go for now. I really need to read some more before I go to bed. And, I'll be up again at 7:30am doing it all again!

Lots of love,
8^ )

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