Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Most Commented Blog Entry... (and Product Endorsement)


If you have never seen, you should try it. It's very calming and enjoyable. I go there almost every day. I don't comment much, but I love seeing the photos and videos and reading the comments.

And, yes, they use cutsie baby language! It works and people keep coming back in droves.

Why? Because of posts like the one shown above. Last night, when I saw it, there was almost 350 comments. So, over 50 since last night until now.

Well done, Meg!

Lots of love,
8^ )


Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

I also visit cuteoverload everyday. The pictures are awesome and some I just sit a laugh because the are so CUTE (yes pun intended). Thanks.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

PS: I just went on cuteload and they are up to 606 comments. YES 606 comments. They are wonderful pictures.