Monday, November 26, 2007


My daughter is OBSESSED with numbers. When she asks "when are we going to the store?" and I say "later" that isn't good enough. You can't tell her words like, later, soon, a few, etc.; words that aren't exact numbers, she gets mad.

She wants EXACT times, EXACT amounts, EXACT EXACT EXACT when it comes to numbers.

So, yesterday, dad called, letting me know Cassi was ready to come home. He would bring her home at 2.

"Pa! Not at 2, at 1:55!" she shouted.

Dad says to me that NO, we're not leaving at 2. We're leaving at 1:55 pm.

Next thing we know, they get here at 3pm. Cassi decided she was watching a TV show. At 1:55 pm, Pa says to her it's time to go.

"No, when this show's over. I'm watching it," she says. When that show was over she wanted to watch the next show.

We thought they stopped on the way. But, it's just hilarious how she's so obsessed with numbers.

Thought I'd share!

Lots of love,
8^ )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yep... she loves numbers!!! I'm surprised that she hasn't asked me yet for her $20 from October that I owe her!