Thursday, October 11, 2007

EXCITEMENT over phone message...

Okay. It's after midnight on Wednesday night, here in chilly Cleveland-area (in Elyria).

I'm wide-butt awake. Why you might wonder?

Well, first, I got a 90% on my last test in Grammar class. Not the grade I was expecting, but I didn't really study for it. I'll do better on next week's test. Tomorrow I get my second take-home test for Mary. I know by Tuesday everyone will want to evacuate the premises over my rants.

I had an interview this morning regarding an English internship for spring semester. I would be working with the woman who helps professors write grants for research money. I will also work with the university's grant writer. I will learn from them how to work with the constituents (my clients) and get grants written. I might even be able to help write specific portions of grants. After submitting the internship requirements to my advisor, he thinks it will be approved once I get my "we want you" call or email from the department.

But, my final reason for staying up? I got a call from someone looking for a professional to print envelopes for an affair they are having. I won't get into too many details now. But, it's a job for 1000 envelopes. (I can do!) The person doesn't remember me, but I interviewed with him for a job a few years ago. Hmmm? I wonder how this will play out. Initially, I don't think I'll tell him who I am. Since that interview, I moved to a new location. So, he may not have recognized me.

But, I've got my font samples ready. And, because he's in Cleveland, I can drop off samples right to his office.

So, I was going to bake apple bread this evening. We juiced apples on Sunday (homemade apple cider). Because of this call, I canned my wanting to bake. I'll bake in the morning instead. I've got an audiologist's appt (hearing aid doctor). But, I should have them ready in time because I want to take a bread to my doctor.

Ok. I'm going to close this now.

I've been reading my usual blogs. Everyone seems "blah" when it comes to blogging. Everyone has their down time. Remember, the seasons are changing right now. Your priorities might not be to "blog" right now. You might just not have the desire to write.

When the thoughts come, even if you're writing what you want to write in a notebook, that's great. You can then come back to your thoughts later on the blog - or not. Your blog is your own. Make of it what you will. Your friends will understand if you've been gone for a while. They will welcome you with open arms when you return.

Shew! I just got a lot off my chest.

With that, I'm be-bopping around the net until I get tired enough to go to bed. The next month will be HELL: (just my to-do's)

1. 4 craft shows in the next month (until turkey-day weekend)
2. 1 book review
3. 1 research paper (How do I teach writing to children with learning disabilities?)
4. 1 grant
5. proposal for spring internship
6. tests!
7. envelope job (if they want me)

Lots of love to all,
8^ )


Miki said...

Hey Cathy, Just wanted to pop in and say HELLO, I am still here! Hope that all is going just as well with you. I kind of envy your busy-ness. I am selling Partylite candles, but not doing too many shows, I have the boys' football and Cassidy. We are participating in a temperment study at the local state university, we did it when she was three and now are doing the six year old follow up. Not too much, a written survey for me and hubby, an interview and Cassidy gets to play "games" with the researchers and with me. Two visits and that is it! We did visit number one yesterday, after school until about 630 pm. I really enjoyed walking on campus, and realized that I miss school too much! I guess given the choice, I would have been a professional student! I want to go back, just not sure for what, and it ould have to be on the grad level, I already have the Bachelor's.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Thanks for the understanding pick-me-up about not blogging. I have been feeling a bit guilty about not writing but you understand how the cycles go. Sounds like you are really do well, I am so happy for you.