Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Update on Topics:
  1. How Rob and I got married
  2. My history with depression
  3. Why I'm going back to school (the work-thing and the family/home-thing go in this)
  4. My parents
  5. My weight issues...
  6. My sister (sorry, Marie, you got moved to #6!)
  7. Rob's Brother, the full-time Criminal (Still!)
Okay, since I spent so much time on the first entry today, it's almost time for me to get to my next class. From class one to class two, I have to walk about a block and a half from one building to the next. Plus, because the elevator is at the opposite end of the building, and my class is in the middle of the building, AND on the fourth floor, I walk up two flights of stairs to get there. The walk does me good (will talk more in issue #5 above). I've counted the steps it takes me to get up the two flights of stairs. There are 53 steps from the second floor to the fourth floor. In comparison, on a side note, that infamous run up the Art Museum steps in the Rocky movies is 72 steps. While living in Philadelphia and visiting the Art Museum, I walked up the steps to count them. So, I'm really close to that famous run. Of course, I only walk up the steps. But, with those steps and the walking I do around campus, I walk about one mile a day, three times a week, giving me the needed exercise, even if just a little.

Had to add it here because I thought of it. Thought it was a neat tid bit of info!

8^ )
(okay I'm getting a little better feelings-wise!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! I'm really proud of you!