Thursday, February 02, 2006

UTTER SHOCK...We had to take Cassi to the eye doctor today. Because of the difficulties we had bringing Cassi into the world, and the fact that she was tongue-tied, she's had special services helping her at school. One suggestion that was given was to take her to see an eye doctor.

So, today we did. This eye doctor specializes in working with children. He not only does the "ususal" eye check, but also reviews the results based on a developmental approach. He was able to tell us that Cassi is farsided, and also has an astigmatism. Bottom line, Cassi needed to get glasses.

So, off we go to view the glasses that she can wear. We had her try on about a half dozen pairs before picking a pair with liked. Okay, here's the conclusion, her glasses cost $320!!!!!! Rob was so shocked that when we left, he went the wrong way and almost had a car crash. But, we had to get the glasses because our daughter needed them!

Who would have thought that a child's pair of glasses cost as much as an adults? Go figure!

Okay, had to vent and get my shock out! Now I'm tired! Nap anyone?

Love to all,
Cathy 8^ )

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