Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Notes to self...

Topics that I would like to write about here in this blog:
  1. How Rob and I got married
  2. My past work history (some stories, etc)
  3. Why I'm going back to school
  4. Our businesses that I run, along with going back to school and family
  5. The new puppies (started discussion on 1/30/06)
  6. My parents
  7. A New Topic to Give Marie #8
  8. My sister (okay Marie, here's your #8!)
  9. My weight issues...
  10. Why I like to write...

Okay, go ahead and post comments on this one for extra topics. All topics will be written about.

Love to all,

Cathy 8^ )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! I'm lucky number 7... although you should have known to change the order and place me at number 8 since that is my lucky number!