Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Weight...Part 2 (don't forget to start with Part 1)

All through high school I had a very difficult time finding clothes, shoes, etc.

After high school, I went to college for a year in Philadelphia. I did have one boyfriend there, but it was nothing, just a small fling.

All that time, my priority was being in school. I think because of my weight issues, I focused a lot on school.

From 1990 until 1993, I worked and went to school and just stayed to myself. On a trip to Washington, D.C. I met Jason Birzer, who I am not with today. (separate story too)

In 1993, we moved here to Cleveland, OH. Just after, I started working for Ernst & Young. About a year after starting, my boss asked me if I would like to learn how to program in Lotus Notes. Sure, why not!? They paid for it. During those four months, I lost 40 pounds. I was so happy with myself. There was this guy I was working with. Because I had been losing so much weight, I started dressing classy-er with heels and dresses. One day, I passed by him, getting off the elevator, while he was getting on. He stopped and got back off the elevator. He couldn't believe how good I had looked because he hadn't seen me in a few months (travel schedules didn't mesh). He only realized it was me when he looked at my eyes.

Well, let's just say he REALLY made my day that day. I wish I had that dress to use when I can get back into it again.

Then I started traveling. I had an opportunity to travel and do technology work for the firm. When I did, we spent every evening eating out at restaurants or having dinner at banquest facilities. Well, I gained the weight back on. I've gained it ever since.

In 1999, I became pregnant with Cassi, my life and joy. In the beginning, I lost 20 pounds. My OB said that he didn't care if I lost weight the entire time, as long as Cassi was healthy. But, low and behold, I gained the 20 back and 15 more to boot.

I am very scared now. Rob says that I am currently sliding toward the 400+ weight. I don't know how to stop. Yes, I know keeping active helps. But, there has to be something more.

I'm scared because I want to live until after Rob (joke). But, I want to live a full life. I am going to try LA Weightloss Center because it seems the best for me right now. It's a weight loss program that teaches you how to cook and eat right.

The bottom line is, if I don't get the weight down, that's it for me. I know I make it all sound like a joke, but it's not. I think if I think about it too much more, I'll cry.

Plus, it's 11:30pm on a school night for me. Time to go to bed.

Love to all,
8^ (

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