Sunday, April 09, 2006

I'm a Control Freak...

I know that I am a Type-A personality. I'm always on the go. My tag-line has always been, "I go-go-g0, but when I stop, I drop."

Today started out like a pretty good day. Then again, maybe not, not that I think of it.

All of you know I like to write. But, my writing comes at the last minute, when things are due.

Today, I had an English paper to put into a final draft. Usually, I would have waited until now to even start the paper that is due tomorrow.

I'm done already. I finished it at noon. That should have told me something was wrong.

Cassi was at Pa's overnight. Because Pa and Nana got sick, they couldn't see her for the past few weeks. Not that they won't get her again on Thursday for 9 days while she is on Easter break.

When we went to pick Cassi up, I had a few errands to run. First, we had newspapers to take to the school for recycling. They get the money to use for the school. Good idea! While there, I also had to take pictures for Teacher Appreciation Week. We are using the logo in creative documents we are giving to the teachers that week. Then, Rob needed to see where he was supposed to park tomorrow on his first day of his new job at the Cleveland Clinic. Finally, I am going to Fox 8 TV on Wednesday for my Journalism class and needed to know how to get there myself.

I was happy-go-lucky the whole time away from home. It changed when we got home. I got very upset. Don't know why. Rob was asking me why, but I didn't want to tell him. Instead of trying to get me to tell him, he walked away. Making me further upset.

We haven't talked the rest of night, except to bicker. The only thing I can say is that I'm having one of my depressive episodes. I'm also having a "it's mine" episode too. So, I'm very sad right now and took a pill to help me get over this overnight.

No, Marie, don't call. I hope to be better tomorrow.

Thanks for listening.

8^ (

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have times like that... I understand! I got stabbed in the back this weekend by people that I thought I was becoming friends with. So I totally understand!